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The article deals with theoretical and methodical principles of management of financial resources of the state economy: its essence, tasks and principles are defined. Under the management of the financial resources of the state economy, a system of principles and methods for the development, adoption and implementation of management decisions aimed at creating financial resources and increasing the efficiency of their use by all economic actors – the state, regions, individual enterprises and institutions, and households – are considered. The attention is paid to the emergence of a certain inconsistency in Ukraine – the financial system that is currently formed and provides financial support for the activities of economic entities, even at the weakest manifestations of various types of risks and threats is destabilizing, which in turn leads to a liquidity crisis, and therefore – before the outflow of funds from the country’s economic system, inflation and so on. The absence of an integrated approach to the formation and use of financial resources in the program documents of the state is conditioned, first of all, by the lack or limited volume of the financial component. In addition, there is a lack of recalculation of certain sectoral and regional peculiarities, since the main emphasis is being made on the formation and use of budgetary resources, which makes the developed programs and strategies of economic development, for the most part, to be financially unsecured. Therefore, the necessity of developing a holistic concept aimed at the formation, increase and use of financial resources, as well as the development of effective mechanisms for their management to ensure the development of the national economy, is now over. The sequence of forming the concept of management of financial resources, which determines the economic, organizational and legal principles of their formation, increase and use in order to ensure sustainable development of the country and solve social problems, is substantiated. The main directions of development and implementation of the concept are defined: estimation of volume of financial resources; monitoring their use, developing the appropriate motivational mechanism; which will stimulate the growth of financial resources; identifying and assessing the risks and threats that arise in the process of their formation and use, as well as developing tools aimed at minimizing these risks and threats in the country. 
competitiveness, market economy, sustainable development, management, financial relations, financial resources