Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2018.01.077

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 338.439.5(477); JEL Q13
Karpyak, M. (2018). Osoblyvosti funktsionuvannya rynku m’yasa v Ukrayini ta yoho vplyv na rozvytok ekonomiky rehioniv [Features of meat market functioning in ukraine and their impact on the development of regions’ economy]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 129 (1) (pp. 77-80). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 5


Karpyak (Husyeva) Mariya Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Meat market occupies high position among goods markets as far as meat is an integral part of everyone’s ration and has no corresponding substitute products. Meat products are the major element of state strategic reserves, and meat and meat-processing branches have significant influence on the development of Ukrainian economy. Due to the fact that meat and meat products markets in Ukraine take substantial shares, the development and improvement of competitive ability of domestic enterprises in the branch should be the priorities of national food policy. The article analyzes peculiarities of meat market functioning in Ukraine and its influence on the development of the region’s economy. The tendencies of the livestock sector development in different forms of management are analyzed and attention is focused on the production of products by farms. Regional peculiarities of the development of the poultry meat market and export opportunities are outlined. The number of cattle in Ukraine annually decreases, and the livestock industry is unprofitable. The most problematic is the beef and pork market, which is characterized by a dynamic reduction in production. At the same time, the meat market in the country has great potential and development prospects. Today the production of poultry meat is increasing in large agrarian enterprises, which is actively exported to Asia and Europe. Meat and poultry also occupy the largest share in the structure of imports. Production of poultry decreases in households, which indicates to the monopolization of this market. Taking into account the positive tendencies of poultry development and the concentration of poultry market in several large business groups, a set of organizational, economic and regulatory measures is proposed to be carried out: promotion of the development of small and medium agrarian enterprises and their association in cooperative forms of management; direct state support for increasing production of pork, beef, lamb; adaptation of European quality systems for production, sales and processing of livestock products; promotion of development of an export chain of meat products. This article shows the state and trends of the meat market in Ukraine. The attention is focused on the poultry market that develops on its own. The rapid decrease of consumption of beef, veal, and pork during 2013-2018 was revealed. Priority directions of development of meat production in Ukraine, in particular, beef and pork, have been formed. It is emphasized that effective development of the meat market will promote the sustainable development of the agrarian sphere and the northern territories and increase the competitiveness of domestic products.


meat market, animal husbandry, meat products, state assistance


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