Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2018.03.037

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 332.02:332.05+332.1;JELR11,O18,O21,O47,P25
Slava, S. (2018). Obgruntuvannya priorytetiv spetsializatsiyi oblastey Karpats'koho rehionu na osnovi tsileformuyuchoho sehmentuvannya ekonomichnoyi diyal'nosti [Substantiation of the priorities of Carpathian region oblasts’ specialization on the basis of goal-forming segmentation of economic activity]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 131 (3) (pp. 37-42). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 12


Slava Svitlana Stepanivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Professor of the Department of enterprise economics of the Uzhhorod National University; Deputy Director of the Transcarpathian Regional Centre for Socio-Economic and Humanities Research of NAS of Ukraine




The review of numerous researches testifies to the fact that in the process of economic development during the Ukraine’s independency the approaches to substantiation of economic activity priorities haven’t taken a definite shape either methodologically or practically, especially in terms of regions. This situation has brought about the loss of strong points of strategically important activity types and elimination of relevant scientific and research structures, leading to reduction of independence and capability of certain activity types. Defining of priorities is the basis for further endeavors in terms of economy development. Therefore, in order to carry out more profound evaluation the relevant correctly methodologically formed quantitative analytics that can generate the better understanding of regional profile of economy and the weight of certain activity types is essential. The paper aims to showcase the approach to substantiation of priorities of Carpathian region oblasts’ specialization on the basis of multi-criteria segmentation of economic activity. The research analyzes the economy of Carpathian region oblasts in order to segment the types of activity by the shares and paces of target-forming parameters. The place of Carpathian region and its oblasts in Ukrainian economy is established to take a small share by the GDP rate – generally about 10%. It increases the need for substantiated priorities of regional economy, especially those related to goal-forming criteria. The types of activity that take leading positions by multi-criteria segmentation in terms of oblasts are defined. In particular, the policy of maintenance and support of the relevant types of activity for each oblast should primarily concern those with S1, S2 ranks, which contribute the most to the achievement of abovementioned criteria, and I1, І2, which tend to increase with the fastest paces. The analysis also should be supported by calculations of absolute parameters of selected prioritization criteria, as far as smaller growth of larger volumes can cause greater effect than swift growth of smaller volumes. However, in the long-term perspective the latter gains sense as well. Crosscutting interpretation is carried out for the Carpathian region. Crosscutting interpretations of obtained results on the defined goal-forming parameters in Carpathian region overall has revealed the types of activity that prevail by the shares in all oblasts – engineering, chemical production, supply of energy resources, trade activity.


priorities, specialization, segmentation of economic activity, oblasts of the Carpathian region


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