Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2018.03.114

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC ; JEL
Chornyy, R., Chorna, N., & Berdey, I. (2018). Aktyvizatsiya investytsiynoyi diyal'nosti Ukrayiny v umovakh ekonomiko-politychnoyi nestabil'nosti [Activation of Ukraine’s investment activity in conditions of economic and political instability]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 131 (3) (pp. 114-120). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 10


Chornyy Roman Stepanovych

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Director, Head of the Department of general economic and humanitarian disciplines of the Novovolynsk Faculty of Ternopil National Economic University



Chorna Nelya Petrivna

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Professor of the Department of accounting and economical and legal support of agroindustrial business of the Ternopil National Economic University



Berdey Ihor Ivanovych

Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of management and economics of pharmacy with the technology of medicines of the Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




Development of Ukrainian economy is directly related to investment processes, because they constitute the major way of integration into the global economy. Integration process takes places due to capital transfer from one sphere to others, the more perspective and profitable, and exchange of technological innovations and management experience. The problem of investment and investment activity has always been, remains to be and will always be among the core ones. Under current conditions investment is the most important mean to increase qualitative parameters of economic activity at both micro and macro levels, to develop technology intensive and automated production, to provide the conditions of economic crisis overcoming and to bring about structural changes in the national economy. Nowadays efficient investment activity takes one of the key positions in economic development of our country. The paper aims to disclose the nature of national investment activity and to analyze its condition and legislative regulation in order to define the priorities of its activation in Ukraine. The paper discloses the nature of investment and investment activity, defines the current condition of investment activity in Ukraine, outlines the specific problems of investment activity in Ukraine and suggests the ways of its activation. Development of efficient mechanism to attract international portfolio investment through emission of securities and listing of objects to be sold to foreign investors is defined as priority of cooperation with relevant organizations, because the financial resources to pay the debt are not always available. The paper emphasizes that due to destabilization processes at macro-economy level in the context of our country it is necessary to elaborate and implement the range of complex measures to overcome the crisis. In order to activate the processes of social and economic changes and to improve the level of Ukraine’s investment attractiveness public authorities and government should: adhere to active position and conduct positive policy on investment attraction; lobby the interests, programs and projects of both foreign and domestic investors at public level; maintain the transparency and partnership relations between the state and the investor and eliminate the «surprises» in agreements; promote the development of investment market and its integration into the global space.


investment, investment activity, economic instability, political instability, activation


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