Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2018.04.010

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 005.51:334.735(477); JEL C51, H11, O11, P47, P52
Taran-Lala, O. (2018). Imitatsiyna model' rozvytku spozhyvchoyi kooperatsiyi Ukrayiny na osnovi uzhodzhennya yiyi interesiv ta derzhavy [The imitation model of the development of consumer cooperation in ukraine on the basis of coordination of its interests with the state ones]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 132 (4) (pp. 10-16). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 13


Taran-Lala (Lala) Olena Mykolayivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of management of the Poltava University of Economics and Trade




The article defines the aspects of conceptual-methodological nature and applied developments as the basis of construction of an imitation model of Consumer Cooperation development in the structure of national economy. Comprehensive analytical planning of the future level of development of Ukraine’s Consumer Cooperation in the structure of the national economy shows the necessity to change the structure of the hierarchy of the problem in order to bring the desired future closer, that is, to bring the logical future closer to the desired one. Prognostication of levels of the functioning of Consumer Cooperation in the structure of national economy is conducted on condition of effective cooperation with a parameter «Government politics» and the use of certain possibilities and prevention of problems impedimental to the development of Consumer Cooperation. It is proven to be a methodological basis for forecasting the levels of development of Ukraine’s Consumer Cooperation in the structure of the national economy and a practical tool based on system analysis of the problem and comprehensive incorporating and using of all the limiting factors, problems and opportunities of all the parameters of the system, all their goals, policies and tasks, all alternatives and opportunities for scenarios of development of Consumer Cooperation of Ukraine. The practical testing of the proposed approach confirms the improvement of the integrated assessment of the generalized scenario (the development of Consumer Cooperation of Ukraine on the basis of harmonization of its interests and the state) 1,287 times. It proves that the purpose of the analysis of improvements has been achieved. The paper identifies the shortcomings of functioning and the factors that affect the level of functioning on the basis of isolation and synthesis of the parameters of the system, their policies and tasks that characterize the development of Сonsumer Сooperation in the structure of the national economy. Certain recommendations for the development of Сonsumer Сooperation at the present stage of its management are suggested.


imitation model, functioning, development, consumer cooperation, parameters of system, scenarios, method of analysis of hierarchies, analytical strategic planning


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