Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2018.04.062

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 332.132; JEL R30, M13, C51, R12
Franiv, I. (2018). Optymizatsiya prostorovoyi orhanizatsiyi pidpryyemnyts'koyi diyal'nosti na osnovi reformuvannya yiyi vyrobnycho-hospodars'kykh mozhlyvostey [Optimization of spatial organization of entrepreneurial activity on the basis of reforming its production and economic opportunities]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 132 (4) (pp. 62-67). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 12


Franiv Ihor Andriyovych

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of enterprise economics and investments of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University




The unevenness of development and uncontrollability in the unstable macroeconomy of Ukraine led to a significant reduction in production and economic opportunities, which in turn reflected the imbalance between the main components of the socio-economic systems of today's production and economic structures. In the conditions of development of a market economy, the problems of long-term and current planning of activity or opportunities of production and economic structures are coming to the fore. Based on existing approaches to solving these problems in developed countries, first of all, the so-called flexible industrial-economic structures should be formed, which could, at least, adapt to changes in the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to restructure some basic approaches to the formation and development of domestic enterprises, that is, to change the processes aimed at forming their production and economic opportunities. Under the formation of the capacity of industrial and economic structures one should understand the ways to identify and create a list of its business opportunities, its hierarchical structure to ensure effective restructuring and sustainable development. The high dynamism in social development and internal restructuring of the Ukrainian economy led to the transformation of the whole production and economic mechanism of enterprises. This can be traced in the dynamics of the relationship between the components of the production and economic structure: the emergence of new and abandoning of the old industrial and economic relations, reengineering development paths. The peculiarities of the organization of production, technological processes, differences in the characteristics of the final product and resources, for its production, differences in the markets, etc are the basis for analyzing the industry features of the formation of production and economic capabilities of enterprises. Thus, the reform of the production and economic capabilities of enterprises should be conducted using the approaches proposed in the article. This will enable enterprises in the region to restructure and provide optimal production capacity. However, one should take into account the possible emergence of new enterprises in the future for the production of similar products. The problem does not arise here, but one should keep in mind the one-time analysis of all possible placements.


spatial organization of entrepreneurial activity, possibilities of industrial-economic structures, placement of enterprises, spatial economy


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