Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2019.01.038

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 338.48:339.1:339.92(477)(438); JEL F15, L83, O52
Bilanyuk, O. (2019). Rozvytok rehional'nykh turystychnykh rynkiv Ukrayiny ta Pol'shchi: komparatyvnyy analiz [Development of regional tourist markets of Ukraine and Poland: comparative analysis]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 135 (1) (pp. 38-45). DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 10


Bilanyuk Olha Petrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Assistant of the Department of tourism of the Geography Faculty of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




In the recent decade, the development of tourism sphere at global level has a positive trend. As far as this sphere is related to more than 50 types of economic activity, it development promotes the employment, diversification of national economy, preserving and development of cultural capacity, preserving of natural environment, growth of national economy’s innovation level and harmonization of relations with various countries and people. Moreover, tourism is one of the means to implement foreign policy of a country. Therefore, almost all key economy sectors influence the successful development of tourism, which contributes to the relevance of this subject. The paper aims to analyze the activity of regional tourism markets of Ukraine and Poland. The dynamics of tourism market development in Ukraine and Poland across regions is examined. Economic efficiency of touristic entities in Ukrainian and Polish regions in 2017 is analyzed and on this basis, the regions are divided into several groups. In order to estimate the specialization of regions and voivodeships the authors calculated the coefficient of localization and concentration. The estimation of tourism market localization in Lvivska and Volynska oblasts and Podkarpackie and Lubelskie voivodeships in 2012-2017 as th border regions shows that tourism market didn’t have the steady development dynamics in the period under research, because the rate was both above and under one in each region depending on the period. The authors prove that efficient development of regional tourism market is impossible without planning, regulation and coordination of actions of entities responsible for it development. It stipulates the need to develop certain tourism activity measures at regional level. The revealed and grouped conditions of regional tourism market development have specific factors that impact the forming of its structure, which includes the system of resources-based, economic, organizational and administrative methods of target-oriented impact.


hotel facilities, means of tourists’ accommodation, foreign tourists, tourism market, tourists flows


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