Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2019.06.008

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.1:338.439; JEL D10, D20, D30, Q10
Hmyria, V. (2019). Prodovol'cha bezpeka yak holovnyy vektor rozvytku ekonomiky krayiny [Food safety as the main vector of a country’s economic development]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 8-13). DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 10


Hmyria Viktoriya Petrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of economics, entrepreneurship and marketing of the Cherkasy State Business College




Food security is one of the main goals of the agrarian and economic policy of the state. In its general form, it develops the vector of movement of any national food system to its ideal condition. In this sense, the pursuit of food security is a continuous process. At the same time, to achieve it, there is often a change in development priorities and mechanisms of agricultural policy implementation. The agrarian complex is of great socio-economic importance as it not only satisfies the needs of the population in some of the most important foodstuffs, but also reflects the standard of living in the country. It should be borne in mind that the current situation in the world is characterized, on the one hand, by the presence of a large number of starving in third world countries, on the other, by the excess production of food in developed countries, where no more than 20% of the world's population lives. Developing countries are unable to provide the population with their own foodstuffs in accordance with physiological standards, so they are forced to import it in exchange for strategic material resources, precious metals and significant political concessions. Food security is a condition in which all people of a country, at all times, have the physical, social and economic access to quantitative and nutritious food that meets their needs and is necessary for an active and healthy life. The state policy of many countries began to be built taking into account the cyclical development of the economy, including specific agricultural cycles. At the same time, in the recovery and growth phases, improving the overall economic situation does not always translate into a proportional reduction in poverty and an increase in food security - especially in developing countries. In the phases of depression and crisis, appropriate rigid measures inevitably lead to an immediate and tangible fall in these indicators.


food security, agrarian business, the state, financial institutions, economies, calories


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