Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2020.01.003

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.137:330.341.1:330.837(477); JEL O38
Zaychenko, V. (2020). Zavdannya ta zakhody shchodo vdoskonalennya instytutsional'noho zabezpechennya tekhnolohichnoyi konkurentospromozhnosti ekonomiky Ukrayiny [Tasks and measures to improve the institutional support for the technological competitiveness of Ukraine's economy]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 141 (1) (pp. 3-9). DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 10


Zaychenko Volodymyr Vasylyovych

Ph.D. of Public Administration, Associate Professor

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Central Ukrainian National Technical University




The relevance of state policy aimed at improving the institutional support for the technological competitiveness of Ukraine's economy is emphasized. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the tasks and measures for improving institutional competitiveness of Ukraine's economy. Scientific novelty of the study consists in substantiation of the system of measures and means of improving the institutional environment of the technological competitiveness of Ukraine, the elements of which are formed in the following areas: structure of state policy, state policy measures and expected outcomes. The recommendations in relation to improvement of legal framework and institutions, oriented on innovation and technological modernization in context of strengthening of Ukrainian economy competitiveness form the practical significance of the results. The tasks of the state policy in improvement of the "institutes" and "institutions" elements of the institutional environment of the state policy of ensuring the technological competitiveness are defined. They include the improvement of basic legislation on innovative and scientific-technological activity; formation of legislation on the development of infrastructure of scientific and technological activities, integrated systems, implementation of joint projects; improving of the system of strategizing and programming the development of scientific and technological activities; elimination of administrative barriers to introduction of advanced technologies; formation of positive social attitude towards innovations and technologies; improvement of the system of organization and management of development of scientific and technological activity; introduction of monitoring, control and forecasting instruments of technological development policy; creation of financial and resource support funds for scientific and technological activities; formation and effective use of personnel potential of scientific and technological activity; development of internal and external information and communication system.


technological competitiveness of the economy, innovation and technological modernization, institutional support


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