Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2023.04.025

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 35.078; JEL C18, H41, H53, H56, I28, J18
Koroshchenko, M. M. (2023). Doslidzhennya publichnoyi polityky mytnoyi administratsiyi u naukovykh pratsyakh [Research on public policy of the customs administration in scientific works]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 162 (4) (pp. 25-29). DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 6


Koroshchenko Mykola Mykolayovych

Commandant of the Department of the Department of ship navigation and navigational armament of the Institute of the Naval Forces of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy"; Recipient of the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the Department of public administration, management of innovative activity and consulting, Specialty public administration and administration of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine




The article analyzes the public policy, in particular the public policy of the customs administration, in scientific works. Public policy provides for a government plan and guiding strategy for solving a social problem, intervention, service delivery, and public works, as well as the limits of citizens’ responsibility to the state on specific issues. The public policy of the customs administration covers various sectors of national and international engagement. The article suggests taking more active care of the public, which makes it possible to really move from manageability to governance as a model of public administration, which involves citizens in making public decisions that are less hierarchical than in the Weber model, more transparent, and the citizen’s duty is to participate in public debates through exercises of public reasonableness. This requires critical thinking, culture, balance, and constant participation in public affairs and public policy. It is important to perceive participation as a political action and as a right, where the former implies recognizing it as a set of actions aimed at influencing the political process through voting, discussion, debate, even social protest, and the exercise of permanent civil control over the authorities. Therefore, the analysis of the impact of ideas on public policy is hindered by problems that arise due to inaccuracies in determining what ideas are, where they come from, when and how they change, and how to study them. By this time, ideologue scientists have provided us with classifications of different types of ideas (different levels of generality, from specific political programs to comprehensive cultures), as well as different ways of thinking about ideas (from positivist to constructivist approaches, emphasizing ideas as causes or constitutive elements of public policy). The use of this concept in various sub-disciplines resulted in its expansion to cover a range of phenomena and concepts, making it almost impossible to understand what is ideological and what is not. The above definitions are far from an exhaustive list, but they are more than enough to determine some of the main characteristics. In such circumstances, customs administrations as services that carry out and regulate international trade and the movement of goods face increasingly important and complex tasks. At the same time, customs administrations are expected to promote the development of international trade.


research, public policy, customs administration, scientific works


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