Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2024.01.035

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.34:330.142.211-021.387; JEL E22, Е69, М14, О13
Pshyk, B. I. (2024). Finansovi aspekty povoyennoyi vidbudovy ekonomiky Ukrayiny na bazi vykorystannya ESG-pidkhodiv [Financial aspects of the post-war reconstruction of the Ukrainian economy based on the use of esg approaches]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 165 (1) (pp. 35-40). DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 10


Pshyk Bohdan Ivanovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Professor of the Department of financial technologies and consulting of the Faculty of Finance Management and Business of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




The article substantiates the opportunities and directions for the use of ESG approaches in the financing of projects for the post-war reconstruction of the Ukrainian economy. The author emphasizes the role of ESG approaches as the main marker in the search for sources of financing to achieve the goals of sustainable development and the need to integrate these approaches into the basis of strategies and plans for the country’s post-war reconstruction. Statistical information on forecasts of the growth of ESG assets in the world and the need for financial resources for post-war reconstruction in Ukraine is summarized. In order to achieve the goals of sustainable development and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, the article suggests using a combination of various sources of financial resources (state and private funding, funds from international investors, grants, and crowdfunding support), as well as creating and developing a system of specialized funds based on ESG approaches. A set of economic, organizational, regulatory, informational, infrastructural, and personnel problems in financing projects based on ESG approaches is outlined. The article identifies the following directions and measures to overcome them: creation of an effective legislative and regulatory framework in the field of financing ESG projects; development of clear scenarios for the post-war reconstruction of the national economy taking into account ESG approaches; integration of ESG approaches into investment instruments, development projects, and company activities; development of uniform approaches to and standards for the construction and functioning of the ESG reporting system; ensuring transparent and targeted use of funds for the purposes of post-war reconstruction and sustainable development of the economy; creation of attractive conditions and motivational mechanisms for investments in ESG projects; development and implementation of long-term target programs and projects for the recovery and development of key sectors of the economy and human capital development; involvement of professional consultants in order to ensure the integration of ESG approaches in the processes of business development and post-war reconstruction of the national economy; raising the level of financial awareness of economic entities regarding the implementation of ESG approaches in the processes of sustainable financing.


ESG activity, ESG approaches, economy, investments, post-war reconstruction, sustainable development, financial resources, financing


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