UDC 339.7(477-32); JEL F00, F10, O18 Kalat, Ya. Ya., & Zaika, O. O. (2024). Zovnishn'otorhovel'na diyal'nist' rehioniv Ukrayiny v umovakh suchasnykh vyklykiv [Foreign trade activities of Ukrainian regions under modern challenges]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 167 (3) (pp. 9-16). DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/2071-4653-2024-3-2 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 20
Kalat Yaroslava YaroslavivnaPh.D. of Economics
Senior Researcher, Scientific Secretary of the unit of the Sector of transborder cooperation of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: syaya@ukr.net
Zaika Oleksiy OleksandrovychPostgraduate of the Sector of transborder cooperation of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: cbc.irr@gmail.com
ResumeCountries experiencing war or other global crises heavily rely on their foreign trade activities, as the export of goods and services contributes to foreign currency inflows, supports production, and sustains jobs, while import provides access to vital resources. In recent years, Ukraine and its regions have faced numerous challenges related to russia’s armed aggression escalated into a full-scale war and the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenges have resulted in border crossing restrictions, port blockades, and the destruction of transport and logistics infrastructure, making access to international markets much more difficult and putting regional economic development at risk. This article is dedicated to the analysis of contemporary trends in the development of Ukraine’s foreign trade and its regional dynamics amidst modern challenges. The authors emphasize the changes that have occurred in Ukraine’s external trade before and after the onset of the full-scale war. The impact of armed aggression and the COVID-19 pandemic on external economic indicators is examined, alongside issues related to the blockade of seaports, destruction of transport and logistics infrastructure, and limitations on the capacity of land border crossings. The article provides a detailed analysis of the openness of the national economy and its regional components, including regional characteristics, changes in the commodity structure of exports and imports, and the degree of dependence on external market sales and import dependency. Regional level is in the focus of the article, particularly the identification of the most vulnerable areas that require special attention. The authors outline the challenges faced by individual regions, such as the need to adapt to new trade conditions, the search for new markets, and the optimization of logistical routes. The analysis reveals that while some regions have managed to increase their foreign trade volumes, others have struggled due to the ongoing conflict and logistical constraints. Based on the analysis, the article offers several recommendations to strengthen the resilience of regional foreign trade activities and support their economic development amidst current global and local challenges. Key factors expected to influence external trade and the broader economy include global food prices, the development of logistics infrastructure along Ukraine’s western border, currency market stability, and the mitigation of risks associated with infrastructure damage caused by military attacks. Additionally, reforms aimed at supporting exporters and diversifying trade partners will be crucial in reducing dependence on ongoing crises and promoting stable economic development.
Keywords:Ukraine’s foreign trade, foreign trade activity of the regions, openness of Ukraine’s economy, regional import substitution, conditions of instability
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