UDC 631.6.02:[336.22:332.8]:347:424; JEL Q25, L51, H21, K29 Kulish, I. M. (2024). Ekonomichni mekhanizmy okhorony vodnykh resursiv ta osoblyvosti yikh zastosuvannya v kryzovykh umovakh [Economic mechanisms of water resources protection and peculiarities of their application in crisis conditions]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 167 (3) (pp. 31-37). DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/2071-4653-2024-3-5 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 23
Kulish Inna MykhaylivnaPh.D. of Public Administration, Senior Researcher
Senior Researcher of the Department of regional ecological policy and environmental management of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: inna.m.kulish@gmail.com, reksi@email.ua
ResumeWater is a resource on which the stability and development of economies around the world depend. Due to the depletion of clean fresh water reserves experienced by most countries, there is a need to improve economic methods of water protection based on the principles of sustainable development. The article shows the value of water resources for society in terms of ensuring the production of goods and services and considers the concept of accounting for environmental costs, which allows preventing water depletion and pollution. The main goals of applying economic methods of water protection are revealed. The main economic instruments for regulating water consumption and water conservation are identified. The concept of environmental cost accounting is analyzed, which takes into account the real costs of mitigating pollution and depletion of water resources. The article reveals that economic methods take into account the long-term consequences of activities and are aimed at maintaining and developing ecosystem services, which contributes to the sustainability of water systems. The principles of determining the economic value of water and the costs associated with water supply are considered: direct and indirect costs; benefits; reliability of supply; quality. The essence of the modern approach to water resources protection is analyzed and the fact that it consists in preventing misuse and preventing pollution is proven. The author emphasizes the need to develop an effective regulatory and legal framework for this area and the need for its continuous improvement. The importance of monitoring the implementation of international agreements on the use of water bodies to which Ukraine is a party is determined. The article shows that market mechanisms designed to help allocate limited resources in the most efficient manner, minimizing losses and maximizing public welfare, do not always work properly. The article systematizes the tasks of the state in the field of water use and outlines the ways to solve them. The relationship between the rent for water resources and the consumer price index in the relevant period is traced. The peculiarities of the formation of rent for special water use and tax on discharges of pollutants into water bodies are shown. The author analyzes the peculiarities of the work of water suppliers to the population in different regions, regional tariffs, and their formation in modern conditions.
Keywords:water supply infrastructure, rent, tariffs, taxes, martial law, Ukraine
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