UDC 338.439:327:339; JEL F01, F52, F59, Q18 Zhyvko, M. A., & Nahirna, N. I. (2024). Vplyv heopolitychnykh ryzykiv na zabezpechennya prodovol'choyi bezpeky [The impact of geopolitical risks on food security]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 167 (3) (pp. 46-53). DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/2071-4653-2024-3-7 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 17
Zhyvko Maksym AndriyovychPh.D. of Economics
Deputy Director of the Academic Institute of International Relations n.a. B. D. Havrylyshyn of the Western Ukrainian National University
Contacts: m.zhyvko.wunu.edu.ua, arximax2008@gmail.com
Nahirna Nadiya IhorivnaPostgraduate of the Department of international economics of the Western Ukrainian National University
Contacts: nahirnanadiya@gmail.com
ResumeThe article examines the impact of geopolitical risks on food security in the context of globalization. It proves that ensuring food security is one of the main challenges of the modern world, which is characterized by growing instability. Geopolitical risks are assessed in historical retrospect. The main geopolitical risks affecting the global economy are analyzed. The authors identify main geopolitical factors that affect the stability and availability of food resources, including military conflicts, political sanctions, economic crises, and changes in international trade relations. Attention is focused on the need to transform the global food system and the problems that prevent countries from fulfilling their commitments in various areas, including health care, social protection, nutrition management, etc. The link between food security and the Sustainable Development Goals is confirmed. The article analyzes the dynamics of global hunger and finds that in 2023, 152 million more people suffered from hunger than in 2019. It identifies the main trends in food security and the regions where this problem is particularly acute. Hunger is assessed across regions and quite striking differences are found between regions in terms of the proportion of the population facing hunger. Africa ranks first and Asia second. The authors argue that food security depends on the demographic situation and urbanization, which increases food vulnerability and limits the ability to ensure food availability. The problems of malnutrition and their impact on the health of the population, especially children, are identified. The article shows that different forms of malnutrition coexist simultaneously. It emphasizes the problems of the spread of overweight and obesity as the proportion of children suffering from obesity and overweight is increasing in most regions, and the proportion of adults is increasing in all regions. The trends in the prevalence of malnutrition in countries and the factors that influence these processes are outlined. The article notes that conflicts are the driving force behind food crises, and their most devastating impact is where there is weakness in institutions. The role of agricultural production in ensuring food security is defined. The role of the food industry in the economic system of the state and the creation of strategic food reserves is confirmed. The need for adaptive strategies and global coordination to ensure the resilience of food systems in the context of growing geopolitical tensions is emphasized.
Keywords:geopolitical risks, food security, globalization, supply chains, military conflicts, international trade, economic instability, sanctions, food systems, international cooperation
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