UDC 332.1:711.4; JEL R12, R58, O18 Tkach, S. M., & Panas, Ya. V. (2024). Mis'ki ahlomeratsiyi v rehionakh Ukrayiny: peredumovy ta perspektyvy rozvytku v umovakh viyny [Urban agglomerations in the regions of Ukraine: prerequisites and prospects for development in times of war]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 167 (3) (pp. 62-70). DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/2071-4653-2024-3-9 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 27
Tkach Solomiya MykolayivnaPh.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher
Senior Researcher of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: t.solomija@gmail.com
Panas Yaroslav VolodymyrovychSenior Lecturer of the Department of personnel management and administration of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
Contacts: yarpanas@gmail.com
ResumeUrban agglomerations in the regions of Ukraine play an important role in the development of the economy and social infrastructure, especially in the context of a full-scale war, when new challenges and opportunities for adaptation arise. In view of this, the purpose of the study is to review the development of agglomeration processes in Ukraine in the context of current global urban trends and wartime challenges. The article poses the following research questions: 1) What are the peculiarities of the development of agglomeration processes in Ukraine? 2) What is the place of agglomerations in the strategic vision of the development of Ukrainian regions? 3) What are the challenges and opportunities for the further development of urban agglomerations in the regions? It has been established that global trends in the development of urban agglomerations are focused on polycentric development, transport integration, greening, and the introduction of digital technologies to improve management efficiency. In Ukraine, these trends are party being implemented through the development of decentralisation, attempts to integrate public transport within agglomerations, and environmental initiatives, although their progress is slowed down by limited resources and the impact of the war. The article reviews the prerequisites for the development of urban agglomerations in the regions of Ukraine since independence, including demographic changes, economic concentration in large cities, transport infrastructure, and decentralisation reforms, which have created conditions for the spatial integration of settlements. The article studies the transformation of the role of agglomerations in the state vision of the strategic development of Ukrainian regions. The role of agglomerations in the state strategies of regional development of Ukraine has increased significantly in recent years. They have become important tools for stimulating economic growth, creating new jobs, and improving social services. In addition, agglomerations have become key to post-war recovery and adaptation to new economic realities, especially in the context of integration of internally displaced persons and infrastructure rehabilitation. The article examines the current challenges and opportunities for the development of urban agglomerations in Ukraine in the context of a full-scale war. It is established that the development of agglomerations in the regions of Ukraine faces a number of challenges, such as imbalances in the development of cities and suburbs, weak infrastructure, the influx of IDPs, environmental problems, and the impact of war. However, decentralisation creates opportunities for more effective governance. Continued adaptation of global trends can contribute to the sustainable development of Ukrainian agglomerations. Urban agglomerations in Ukraine have significant potential for development due to decentralisation, which creates conditions for cooperation between communities, and the growth of urbanisation processes. Integrating transport infrastructure, attracting investment in satellite cities, and implementing sustainable environmental and digital solutions can drive their progress. An important factor is the development of a legislative framework for the functioning of agglomerations in Ukraine, which is critical to ensure effective management of territories, infrastructure development, and improvement of the quality of life of the population. Such a legal framework will help to stimulate inter-municipal cooperation, integration of public transport, and implementation of environmental and economic initiatives within agglomerations.
Keywords:urban agglomerations, war, urbanization, infrastructure, migration, reconstruction, sustainable development
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