Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Soc-Econ-Problems_MPU -- Year 2022, Vol 1(153)

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Territorial Development and Regional Economics

UDC 332.1; JEL R10, R13
Ishchuk, S. (2022). Tendentsiyi ta osoblyvosti rozvytku ekonomiky rehioniv Ukrayiny [Key trends and development peculiarities of the economy of Ukrainian regions]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 153 (1) (pp. 3-9). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The scale of the national economy and, at the same time, its strong heterogeneity in the regional context, which is deepening under the influence of threatening destructive factors (military aggression by the russian federation), determine the relevance of scientific research in this area. The article aims to assess economic specialization of Ukrainian regions and the trends in their further development in the context of modern challenges. The study of the long trends in indicators of socio-economic development of Ukraine shows the instability of the national economy and the high degree of external factor influence on it, including geopolitical factors. The main trends in the change of the Gross Regional Product physical volume index in Ukraine during 2012-2020 in regional breakdown are defined. The regions are ranked according to their contribution to the Gross Domestic Product, and its dynamics are analyzed. The article offers the author's typology of regions proceeding from their economic specialization calculated based on indicators of a share of key types of economic activity in Gross Added Value. Following the methodology, all regions of Ukraine are divided into five groups according to their economy specialization type: industrial (Dnipropetrovska, Donetska, Zaporizka, Ivano-Frankivska, Kyivska, Lvivska, Poltavska, Rivnenska, Harkivska oblasts); agricultural (Vinnytska, Zhytomyrska, Kirovohradska, Ternopilska, Hersonska, Hmelnytska, Chernivetska, and Chernihivska oblasts); commercial (Volynska oblast); diversified (Zakarpatska and Odeska oblast); changing (Luhanska, Mykolayivska, Sumska, and Cherkaska oblasts). The article recommends assessing the functioning effectiveness of the economy of Ukrainian regions based on financial (expressed by the financial result before tax) and social (expressed by the average wage) indicators. The contribution (amount of taxes and fees) of each of the regions to the State budget of Ukraine is determined. The article argues that primarily industrial regions constitute the financial basis of the national economy and its innovation potential. 
Gross Added Value, Gross Regional Product, economic specialization, state budget revenues, industry, regions 

UDC 332.1:352; JEL O18, O15, H79
Patytska, H. (2022). Sotsial'nyy kapital yak chynnyk staloho rozvytku terytorial'nykh hromad: povedinkovyy aspekt [Social capital as a factor of territorial communities’ sustainable development: behavioral aspect]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 153 (1) (pp. 10-15). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

The article defines the major development problems of territorial communities established in the course of administrative-financial decentralization. On this basis, the relevance of the research of territorial communities’ social capital as a factor of securing their development and capacity in the long run is emphasized. The nature of the concept of social capital is defined, and its development factors and possible results of its use in a territorial community are outlined. The author defines conditions (qualitative institutional framework), perspectives (consideration of communication and informal relations when mapping the community development policy), and risks (the threat of social alienation of community members, development of xenophobia and intolerance, and unequal inclusion of social groups) that accompany the process of social capital intensification in a territorial community. The article focuses on the role of social values in the generation of social capital. Based on the conducted sociological survey, the low civil activity of the residents of territorial communities and low interest in the opportunities for personal participation in the community life are detected. The analysis of the role of social capital as a factor of securing the development of a territorial community in the long run gives the ground to substantiate the need to establish interaction between the community residents and local government and to involve residents in the territorial management. The principles of engaging the community members in its development (establishment of the objective and limits of engagement; equal access; inclusiveness; tolerance; interaction and decision-making consistency; feedback) and the engagement ways (raising awareness, consulting, interaction, cooperation, authorization) are determined. The possible consequences of efficient engagement of community members in the solution of certain development issues are substantiated. 
social capital, territorial community, development, civic engagement, social values 

Economics and National Economy Management

UDC 641-057.68:[338.48-52:796.5]; JEL L83, L66
Belyayeva, S., Starynets, O., & Herman, I. (2022). Suchasni tendentsiyi zabezpechennya yakisnym kharchuvannyam aktyvnykh turystiv [Modern trends in providing quality food for active tourists]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 153 (1) (pp. 16-23). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

The work focuses on the manufacturing of freeze-dried products and dishes in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to identify current trends to ensure quality nutrition for active tourists and well-founded reasons for the use and promotion of freeze-dried products. Information and analytical methods, methods of comparison, systematization, generalization, etc. were used during the research. The article summarizes the arguments about the relevance of providing the consumer market with freeze-dried products and dishes, taking into account the needs of active tourists. The basis of the study led to the conclusions that the market for freeze-dried food production in Ukraine is still underdeveloped and requires investment support and popularization in the consumer market. The examples of the production capacities of the corresponding companies for the manufacturing of fast food products using freeze-drying technology studied in the work meet modern requirements due to the introduction of innovative technologies for the operation of modern equipment, both foreign and domestic. The article proves that the benefits of consuming products and dishes produced based on freeze-drying technology meet high-quality standards. The expediency analysis of the use of freeze-dried products for active tourists on the basis of the analysis of various kinds of sports tourism needs is carried out. Conclusions are made on the lack of freeze-dried products advertising, limiting the consumer market niche segment and the expediency of developing strategic plans for freeze-dried products manufacturing, consumer search and consumer market saturation with quality freeze-dried foods based on price differentiation. Emphasis is placed on the importance of active support of the movement for a clean environment by food manufacturers for tourists in Ukraine, including freeze-dried products, as it is becoming increasingly important in the world and has an environmentally and socially-oriented direction. 
active tourists, space food, natural products, freeze-drying, tourism, quality food 

Environmental Policy and Nature Management

UDC 628.4+658.567; JEL O13, Q21, Q28, Q39
Kulish, I., & Kaplenko, H. (2022). Osoblyvosti povodzhennya z medychnymy vidkhodamy [Features of medical waste management]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 153 (1) (pp. 24-31). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 19

The article argues that all medical waste requires a special approach as experience has shown that many substances used as safe pose a threat to human health and human life and cause irreparable damage to the environment. The expediency of reviewing certain categories of medical waste with their subsequent transfer to the category of household waste (office paper, office furniture, etc.) is specified. The need to pay more attention to waste in the cosmetics and perfume industry is emphasized as more and more pharmaceutical and chemical substances are used in this production. The article detects significant differences in some statistical indicators by year and the combination of medical and non-medical waste in one indicator, which indicates the imperfection of statistical accounting. The adequacy of medical waste management is revealed to depend on the standard of living in the country and the availability of effective public policy in this area, as well as the availability of natural resources in the required amount. The historical retrospective shows the changes in the attitude to disposable and reusable medical materials. The authors propose to use a table comparing the cost of disposal from different points of view, taking into account the necessary sanitary and hygienic requirements. The need to strengthen control over the rational use of disposable medical devices is emphasized, which in some cases makes it possible to significantly reduce the amount of waste and general medical expenses. A comparative analysis of the cost of medical waste disposal in the United States and Ukraine is conducted. The analysis shows that the United States has lower prices. Despite the rather carefully prescribed procedure for obtaining a license for activities in the field of medical waste management, the numerous abuses identified by inspections indicate the need to improve it. 
medical waste, hazardous waste, recycling, recycling plant, permit documentation, environment, healthcare 

Economics of Labor, Demography, Social Policy

UDC 351.851; JEL I21, I29, C40
Zhuravel, Yu., & Hryhoruk, I. (2022). Konkurentni perevahy zakladiv osvity Ukrayiny u hlobal'nomu mobil'nomu prostori [Competitive advantages of Ukrainian educational institutions in the global mobile space]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 153 (1) (pp. 32-38). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

Today, the educational process is the basic indicator of the educational institutions’ competitiveness and ability to gain a competitive advantage. It should be organized according to state standards while taking into account the possibilities of autonomy of educational institutions, the needs of students, and the challenges of the external environment. Thus, the development of the global mobile space forces educational institutions to take into account international progressive approaches to the organization of the high-quality educational process. The article aims to substantiate the educational process components and determine their competitive advantages for educational institutions in terms of educational mobility. The article presents the main components of the educational process (pedagogical, personnel component, material and technical, organizational, etc.), which are the basis of the competitive advantages of Ukrainian educational institutions in the global mobile space. Attention is focused on the importance of applying the practice of international internships aimed at improving the academic mobility of scientific and pedagogical staff. The main problems of the educational process in educational institutions are described, including the involvement of practitioners in the educational process as one of the most important. The key priorities for improving the educational process of educational institutions in Ukraine are identified. The importance of digitalization in the educational process is emphasized, and its main advantages from the beginning of the COVID-2019 pandemic to the present are described. The key elements a digital learning environment should combine for effective functioning and full use are highlighted. The article emphasizes that the elements of digitalization of educational institutions are a sign of their competitiveness both within the country and abroad, as it allows foreigners to receive education remotely and Ukrainians while being abroad. The value plane of educational branding allowing an educational institution to position its unique niches for marketing opportunities is mapped. 
competitiveness, educational institutions, mobile space, branding, sphere of education 

UDC 334.7:005.73; JEL M12, M14, M51, M54
Lipych, L., Khilukha, O., Kushnir, M., & Volynets, I. (2022). Vplyv Khartiyi riznomanitnosti na formuvannya orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury [The impact of the Diversity Charter on the corporate culture development]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 153 (1) (pp. 39-44). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

The Diversity Charter is a tool that allows adapting organizational culture to diversity and at the same time helps to create conditions for its development and management. The article aims to specify the benefits for the company from the use of the Diversity Charter and outline suggestions for changing the organizational culture on the basis of the Diversity Charter. The article argues that the organization has a culture that can be manipulated or managed as a strategic resource. Management that notices and values differences must adapt organizational culture to diversity. It means the need for planned evolutionary changes in organizational culture. The article shows that the concept of organizational culture of quality is a complement and, at the same time, the development of an integrated view of organizational culture. Quality culture is an organizational culture that has the ability to maintain a balance between openness (flexibility) of the system to various values contributed by its members and closedness (invariability) associated with the principles of quality management. The organizational culture is suggested to be changed by implementing the following principles of quality management (TQM): leadership, customer focus, continuous improvement, universal participation, and feedback analysis. After making appropriate adjustments, this procedure can be used for other strategic changes, including those aimed at adjusting the organizational culture for diversity. Diversity management is one of the key resources of the organization, which contributes to its development and achievement of business goals. Effective diversity management is a well-thought-out and well-implemented strategy. The procedure of changing the organizational culture on the basis of the Diversity Charter includes the following stages: focusing on diversity policy, determining the desired form of organizational culture in terms of its adaptation to diversity, diagnosing actual culture, analyzing discrepancies between postulated and diagnosed organizational culture, control over changes in organizational culture. The mechanism of realization of each stage is offered. 
Diversity Charter, effective diversity management, procedure of organizational culture change, concept of organizational quality culture, stages of organizational culture change 

UDC 331.108.2; JEL E22, E24, F66, J24
Kuznetsova, N. (2022). Konkurentospromozhnist' talantiv Ukrayiny u svitovykh reytynhakh [Competitiveness of Ukrainian talents in world ratings]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 153 (1) (pp. 45-53). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 20

Talents become a key determinant of sustainable economic development under the condition of a balanced and effective governmental policy aimed at their cultivating, developing, and retaining. Countries that accumulate a critical mass of such talent will be able to quickly overcome existing crises, actively innovate, and ensure progressive economic and social development. The article identifies the role and importance of talents to ensure the competitiveness of the national economy and its growth. The competitiveness of talents from different countries, including Ukraine, was assessed according to two influential rankings – IMD World Talent Ranking and The Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI). The study of both rankings helps to identify the TOP-10 countries in the world with the best indicators of talent development, as well as Ukraine’s positioning among the countries of the world and Eastern Europe. Ukraine’s talent assessment according to IMD World Talent Ranking shows that with relatively high investment in talent development, Ukraine remains unattractive to foreign and domestic talent with a relatively low quality of skills and competencies of the existing workforce, which indicates low efficiency of measures taken by the government and state financial management on talent development. According to GTCI, Ukraine has the best position in the lower-middle-income countries in terms of both the overall competitiveness index and its criteria but occupies the lowest position in Eastern Europe. The country is characterized by lasting low positions in the Input pillars of the GTCI, including its two components – Enablers and the policy of attracting talent to the country (Attract), indicating low activity of government and business in creating a favorable environment for talent development. Based on the results of the study, the author identifies the factors that affect the competitiveness of talent in Ukraine and offers basic measures to overcome the skills shortage and create a favorable environment for the development and attraction of talent in Ukraine. 
talents, human capital, talent competitiveness, world rankings, Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic 


UDC 336.781.5:336.71; JEL E52, E58, E43
Maystrenko, O. (2022). Sutnist' i pryntsypy formuvannya oblikovoyi stavky tsentral'noho banku [Principles and formation features of the Central Bank’s interest rate]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 153 (1) (pp. 54-59). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The article examines the general principles of the discount rate policy of the Central Bank through a framework of monetary policy. It contains an explanation of the essence of the discount rate, its economic purpose, and its aspects overseen by the National Bank of Ukraine. The article emphasizes the impact of the Central Bank`s rate on monetary policy and focuses on its main attributes: an indicator for other interest rates, a benchmark for the value of borrowed and placed money, a “price tag” for credit rate, and much more. The provisions mentioned in the article include statements and studies from both domestic and global researchers of interest rate policy. Together they provide a clear overview of the mechanism that takes monetary policy “in shape”. Moreover, this study allows summarizing and identifying the key methodological approaches, principles, and rules used as indicators for the changes in the discount rate. The article describes the main policy approaches of the central bank that correspond to the general principles of financial theory and reflect the prevailing trends in the market economy. The author describes the role and place of the National Bank of Ukraine as a supreme banking entity acting as an institutional center of monetary policy that oversees the local banking system, controls inflation processes in the economy, and promotes open policy and confidence in the market. Furthermore, it inspects the efficiency of the current system and describes possible ways for growth. The study explains that the monetary policy in developed economies is an important tool that meets several principles: predictability and transparency of Central Bank measures, consistency of monetary policy, unity and harmony with monetary policy regulations, compliance with the policy goals, standardization of interest rate instruments, simplification of monetary mechanisms and instruments. 
discount rate, discount policy, monetary policy, monetary control, inflation, Central Bank 

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