UDC 336.71; JEL E44, G20, L10, N20
Prokhorenko, V. (2018). Metodolohiya otsinyuvannya ekonomichnoyi efektyvnosti stratehiyi rozvytku finansovoho sektoru [The methodology of economy efficiency assessment of the strategy of financial sector development]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 25-30). Retrieved from http://ird.gov.ua/sep/doi/sep2018.02.030. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

In the conditions of the reform of the national economy of Ukraine and the implementation of many measures aimed at European integration, an important task of the state administration is to ensure conditions in which, on the one hand, the national market is protected from negative external influences (migration, financial crises, capital leakage, etc.) on the other hand, is ready for challenges of an innovative nature in all sectors of the economy. Under such circumstances, it is important to ensure scientifically sound decision-making on the formation and evaluation of a strategy for the development of the financial sector of the national economy, since the consequences of the implementation of the financial strategy directly affect the nature and dynamics of the development of the real sector of the economy. In today’s conditions of strategic transformations of the financial sector of Ukraine, it is relevant to develop a sound system for evaluating the economic efficiency of the selected strategy of financial sector development in Ukraine. The development of the system, that is, the application of a systematic approach to the implementation of the evaluation processes of the financial sector development strategy in Ukraine, is optimal in terms of the components of the financial sector and their characteristics. After all, it is the system that provides detailed disclosure of methods, functions, and evaluation purposes in terms of their interdependence and interconnection. In view of this, a study was carried out on the methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of the financial sector development strategy. In particular: the article explores the context of substantive and substantive filling of economic category concepts «efficiency», «effectiveness» and «strategy effectiveness» is considered. The context of the interpretation of these concepts in thematic exposition, use in scientific research is given. The experience of using the systems of assessing the financial stability of the financial sector, which are actively introduced in many countries of the world, is generalized. The principles and technologies for assessing the economic efficiency of the financial sector development strategy are explored. A comparative analysis of technologies for assessing the state of the financial sector was carried out. 
efficiency, strategy effectiveness, financial sector, economic efficiency estimates, estimation technologies