Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Amosha Oleksandr Ivanovych

Amosha Oleksandr Ivanovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine

Director of the Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine




Amosha, O. I., Bulyeyev, I. P., Zemlyankin, A. I., Zbarazska, L. O., Kharazishvili, Yu. M., & et. al. (2017). Promyslovist’ Ukrayiny – 2016: stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Industry of Ukraine – 2016: the state and prospects of development] (Scietific Report). Retrived from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2017.06.042.002}

Amosha, O. I., Bulyeyev, I. P., Zemlyankin, A. I., Zbarazska, L. O., Kharazishvili, Yu. M., & et. al. (2017). Promyslovist’ Ukrayiny – 2016: stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Industry of Ukraine – 2016: the state and prospects of development] (Scietific Report). Retrived from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.01.003.001}

Amosha, O. I., Vyshnevskyy, V. P. (Ed.), Zbarazska, L. O., & et. al. (2014). Promyslovist’ i promyslova polityka Ukrayiny 2013: aktual’ni trendy, vyklyky, mozhlyvosti [Industry and industrial policy of Ukraine 2013: current trends, challenges, opportunities] (Analytical report). Donetsk: Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.01.028.006}

Amosha, O. I. Bulyeyev, I. P., Zemlyankin, A. I., Zbarazska, L. O., Kharazishvili, Yu. M., & et al. (2017). Promyslovist’ Ukrayiny – 2016: stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Industry of Ukraine – 2016: the state and prospects of development] (Scientific-analytical report). Kyiv: Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.03.022.006}

Amosha, O. I., Aptekar, S. S., Bilopolskyy, M. H., Yuriy, S. I., & Melnyk, A. F., et al. (2011). Strukturni reformy ekonomiky: svitovyy dosvid, instytuty, stratehiyi dlya Ukrayiny [Structural economic reforms: world experience, institutes, strategies for Ukraine]. Ternopil: Economic Thought, TNEU, IEI NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.04.003.016}

Amosha, O. I., Starychenko, L. L., & Cherevatskyy, D. Yu. (2013). Stan, osnovni problemy i perspektyvy vuhil’noyi promyslovosti Ukrayiny [Status, main problems and prospects of the coal industry in Ukraine]: Scientific report. Donetsk. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.01.003.004}

Amosha, O. I., Bulyeyev, I. P., Zemlyankin, A. I., Zbarazska, L. O., Kharazishvili, Yu. M., & et al. (2017). Promyslovist’ Ukrayiny – 2016: stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Industry of Ukraine – 2016: the state and prospects of development]: Scientific and analytical report. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.02.007.005}

Amosha, O. I., Kharazishvili, Yu. M., Lyashenko, V. I., & et al. (2018). Modernizatsiya ekonomiky promyslovykh rehioniv Ukrayiny v umovakh detsentralizatsiyi upravlinnya [Modernization of economy of industrial regions of Ukraine in the conditions of decentralization of management]. Kyiv Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.04.051.001}

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