Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Chyzhevska Lyudmyla Vitaliyivna

Chyzhevska Lyudmyla Vitaliyivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Professor of the Department of accounting and audit of the Zhytomyr State Technological University




UDC [657.1:347.441.26:657.37(100)]; JEL М48
Chyzhevska, L. (2018). Oblik harantiynykh zabezpechen' u konteksti mizhnarodnykh standartiv finansovoyi zvitnosti [Accounting of warrantees in the context of international financial reporting standards]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 134 (6) (pp. 139-143). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

Contractual practice of enterprises forms a significant part of the economic activity of enterprises of all organizational and legal forms. Contracts that contain warranty provisions require particularly thorough study, as warranty repairs require the collateral. Adoption of international financial reporting standards is a necessary step for the use of business language in investment activities. With the adoption of IFRS 15 “Revenue from contracts with customers”, accountants faced the task of careful examining of the contract provisions. Agreements with the provision of warranty repairs and other similar costs for after-sales service have special conditions. In this regard, it is necessary to review certain conditions for the warranties in accounting in accordance with the criteria for recognizing revenue and criteria for recognizing obligations. The purpose of the paper is to consider the peculiarities of guaranteeing the identification of warrantees in the context of IFRS 15, which provides a five-step model for recognizing revenue from contracts under which the provision of a guarantee service is provided. Five-step model for revenue recognition involves the following steps: the definition of an agreement with the customer; definition of fulfillment of obligations under the agreement; determination of the price of the contract; allocation of transaction price for commitments to execution; recognition of income when each obligation is fulfilled. When assuming a guarantee obligation, an entity shall establish a provision in accordance with international financial reporting standards. The amount of maintenance is established on the basis of professional judgment either in the fixed amount, or as a percentage of the income from the sale of products (goods) for the selected period. The benefits of collateral provision lie in the uniform distribution of costs and the corresponding pricing policy. The detailed scheme of analysis of contracts with clients, including those providing warranties for delivered goods, is presented. 
warranties, obligations, IFRS, contracts with customers, revenues from contracts with customers 

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