Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
In recent years, the scale of labor and educational migration from Ukraine has been growing, usually transforming into permanent migration (resettlement). Such situation leads to the threat of demographic and socio-economic development of our country and requires effective mechanisms for regulating migration. The development of such mechanisms needs the study of motives forcing people to migrate. The article is devoted to the investigation of motivational bases of young people’s migration activity in Ukraine’s Carpathian region. According to the results of a sociological survey of young people, a low level of potential internal migration was revealed. At the same time, attitudes for migration abroad are spread enough. The paper reveals that high level of wages and an availability of a job are the main motives for both internal and external possible migration movements. According to the respondents’ opinion, these factors could also deter young people from moving abroad. In addition, the lack of stability and confidence in the future, as well as insufficient opportunities for professional realization, poor working conditions are important motives for possible movement abroad for permanent residence. The study revealed some features of certain regions. Thus, the youth of Zakarpattia region more often, compared to respondents from other regions, chose the following push factors: low wages; lack of stability and confidence in the future; high level of corruption. The lack of work in Ukraine worries mostly respondents from Ivano-Frankivsk region. Chernivtsi region is distinguished by the highest share of those who could be motivated for permanent migration by housing problems. According to the assessment of students and pupils of higher and vocational education institutions, the level of the average salary, which could slow down the mass emigration of young people abroad, has been determined. It is about 800 euros. Persons who would not move abroad under any circumstances make up less than 10% of respondents. The results of the study confirm the need to develop effective mechanisms for regulating the migration activity of young people at the regional and state levels.
The preconditions for forming multi-purpose monitoring of the indicators of the consequences of forced migration in the conditions of the militaristic threats for Ukraine's development are considered. The peculiarities of implementation of such monitoring are illustrated by the example of sociological examination of the problems of integration of internally displaced persons through selected criteria for minimizing of risk-heterogeneity: provision of employment, decent living conditions, social protection, socio-cultural arrangement, neutralization of social tension, stabilization of socio-psychological state. The specific features of behavior of internal migrants, different migration experiences, attitude to ideological and basic sociohumanistic referents, differences of socio-cultural orientations, polarity of views on the future, the most acute social and protective needs are revealed. Diagnosed indicators give the right to confirm the peculiarities of the monitoring setting in the given research focuses. It is noted that formation of the resident population’s culture of a tolerant treatment of migrants will contribute to overcoming of linguistic barriers and, as a result, to development of the unified cultural platform for national, civic identity. Linguistic and cultural policy should become an instrument for shaping the views of citizens, their way of perceiving the world and their own identity on the basis of democratic values inherent to the Ukrainian nation and Ukrainian civil society, as well as freedom and responsibility. The effective development of the mechanisms of integration of migrants into the host society is supposed to direct the policy of internally displaced persons in order to balance the interests of local communities and the need to create decent living conditions and work of the aggrieved persons. The results of the survey can serve as analytical material for substantiating the recommendations when developing social support programs for internally displaced persons at the regional level.
monitoring, consequences of forced migration, risk-taking, migratory risks, internally displaced persons, social protection of migrants
Bidak, V. Ya. (2016). Klasyfikatsiya chynnykiv ryzykohennosti vymushenoyi mihratsiyi v Ukrayini [Classification of risk level factors of forced migration in Ukraine]. In Suspil’ni transformatsiyi i bezpeka: lyudyna, derzhava, sotsyum [Social transformations and security: individual, state, society]: Proceedings of the Pan Ukrainian scientific and practical conference (June 17, 2016): (pp. 133-136). Lviv: Lviv Institute МАUP. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.03.088.002}
Sadova, U. Ya., Andrusyshyn, N. I., Ryndzak, O. T., & Bidak, V. Ya. (Eds.). (2015). Intehratsiya mihrantiv u pryymayuchyy sotsium: sotsiokul’turolohichni aspekty modernizatsiynoho rozvytku rehionu [Integration of migrants into the receiving society: socio-cultural aspects of the modernization of the region]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.03.088.012}