Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Bortnykov Yevheniy Hennadiyovych

Bortnykov Yevheniy Hennadiyovych

Ph.D. of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of tourism and hotel-restaurant business of the Zaporizhzhia National University




Makovets'ka Nataliya Valeriyivna

Sydoruk Anna Viktorivna


UDC 338.487/.488:659.113; JEL L53, L83, M30
Sydoruk, A., Makovetska, N., & Bortnykov, Y. (2021). Brend- i RR-menedzhment pidpryyemstv turystychnoho ta hotel'no-restorannoho biznesu: teoretychni aspekty [Brand- and PR-management of tourism and hotel and restaurant business enterprises: theoretical aspects]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 149 (3) (pp. 16-19). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

The article addresses the study of such a modern tool for increasing the market competitiveness of an enterprise as brand management in the context of strategic development of modern enterprises of the tourism industry and hotel and restaurant business. The historical background of the process of brand management development in the world is examined. Theoretical bases for the formation of the scientific idea of this type of marketing activity are defined, and also views of domestic and foreign scientists concerning the realization of this tool in the activity of the enterprises are considered. The essence of the terms «tourism» and «brand management», their components, the conceptual approach to the introduction of brand management in the management of tourism and hotel and restaurant business, and the advantages of the company with the brand are analyzed. The internal mechanisms of using brand management at enterprises and the conditions under which it is expedient to use it are characterized. The article emphasizes that brand management involves the formation, strengthening and development of relationships between the brand and potential consumers through the development of its communicative, social, individual and functional properties, as well as provides brand identification through management of its components (name, logo, slogan, graphics, colors, sound, etc.). The author notes that the promotion of the brand in the market of tourist and hotel and restaurant services is impossible without the use of marketing communications. The definitions of «advertising» and «Public Relations», as well as their main forms in the process of promoting the brand in the market of tourist and hotel and restaurant services are outlined. The paper argues that brand and PR management have become the basis of the enterprise, which allows managing its image through brand management, as well as contributes to the formation of competitive advantages, strengthening competitiveness and achieving stability in the market of tourism and hotel and restaurant services. 
brand, brand management, Public Relations, PR-management, enterprise, tourism industry, hotel and restaurant business 

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