Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Hobrey Mariya Vasylivna

Hobrey Mariya Vasylivna

Postgraduate of the Department of hotel and restaurant business of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel-Restaurant Business of the Mukachevo State University


UDC 332.12(477)
Hobrey, M. (2017). Teoretyko-metodychna sutnist' investytsiynoho protsesu yak ekonomichnoyi katehoriyi [Theoretical and methodical essence of the investment process as an economic category]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 128 (6) (pp. 151-154). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of the investment process as a determinant factor of the country’s economic development. The approaches of different scholars to the definition of the economic category of «investment» are considered. It is proved that in the modern economic literature the term «investment» is often interpreted rather narrowly or mistakenly. The questions of the essence of the investment process in modern economic science are researched. The features of the investment process are defined and the importance of the investment process for the country’s economic development is substantiated. Different interpretation by the economic schools of understanding of the essence of investments, the role of the state in investment processes and the sources of their formation is considered. The author has proved that investments are an objective necessity for the development of the Ukrainian economy. Investment activity is regulated both by administrative and legal methods, as well as by economic ones, and it requires a clear definition of the legal nature of investments, investors in investment activities and the investment process in general. 
investment, capital, capital investments, investment activity, investment process 

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