Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Holub Roksolana Rostyslavivna

Holub Roksolana Rostyslavivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of finance, banking and insurance of the Lviv Academic Institute of University of Banking




Holub Hanna (Anna) Hryhorivna

Dudynets' Lidiya Anatoliyivna

Tyazhkorob Iryna Volodymyrivna


UDC 336.01:314.117.3; JEL G40, G41
Dudynets, L., Holub, H., & Holub, R. (2019). Finansova povedinka domohospodarstv ta yiyi determinanty [Financial behavior of households and its determinants]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 136 (2) (pp. 42-47). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The economic meaning of the term «financial behavior» has been researched. In this study, financial behavior is considered as a special type of economic behavior that is related to the actions of the population in the financial services market, which involves the mobilization, redistribution and investment of the population’s monetary resources. The classification of financial behavior of the population is considered. It should be classified on the basis of such features as the activity in the financial services market, the type of the result of financial behavior, the source of financial resources, the form of implementation, the instruments used in the financial services markets, the degree of risk, the propensity to innovate, the type of property of financial resources. The factors influencing financial behavior of households are analyzed, and the following types are distinguished: political, demographic, cultural, social, psychological, economic. The features of financial behavior of the population in Ukraine in comparison with other countries are determined. It has been established that the level of penetration of financial services is significantly lower than the world standards: on average, one Ukrainian has only one bank card and one current account in the bank, and the intentions of the population to save and invest are passive in nature. It is established that the greatest determinant of financial behavior, inclusiveness and literacy in Ukraine is the age and property status of financial services consumers. The problems, the solution of which will facilitate the increase of financial behavior of domestic households and their involvement in the financial market of Ukraine, are outlined. The main issues are as follows: 1) The absence of financial traditions and positive practices in financial activity in Ukraine, which is due to past historical development of the state; 2) Insufficient development of the financial market in terms of working with a private investor and limited supply of financial services to such clients; 3) Absence of the Institute of financial advisers; 4) The scope of application of compensatory mechanisms in the financial market; 5) Lack of effective tax incentives for citizen investments; 6) Low level of public confidence in financial intermediaries; 7) Disadvantages of providing market participants with the necessary financial information; 8) Low level of financial literacy of the population. 
economic behavior; financial behavior, financial inclusiveness, financial literacy, financial service, consumer of financial services 

UDC 330.322:336.71; JEL G20, G21, O22
Tyazhkorob, I., & Holub, R. (2018). Investytsiynyy konsaltynh u rozvytku investytsiynoho biznesu bankiv Ukrayiny [Investment consulting in the development of investment business of banks of Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 48-62). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

It is noted that in the developed countries of the world, consulting is an important tool of market infrastructure. The investment direction of banking business allows developing diversification processes at the level of the banking system, diversifying the assets of banks, and improving the structure of liabilities. Investment consulting activity allows flexible adaptation of banking business to changes in the market situation, making the banking business more stable. It is noted that in the Ukrainian banking market, the need to allocate investment consulting services is due to the extraordinary complexity of the investment area, the variety of investment instruments, the rapid change in the investment situation, the availability of investment risks, high profitability of investment business in comparison with classic banking. A monographic analysis of the concept of «investment consulting» was conducted. In modern scientific publications, the concept of «investment consulting» is considered as independent professional services, as a means of clarifying, assisting and supporting investment, as a tool for managing property, capital, resources or the search tool for investors and business partners, as a kind of intellectual or informational analytical activity in the sphere of investment and as a system of measures to stimulate investment. The procedure of preparation and conducting of investment consulting is determined. The procedure for preparing and conducting investment consulting involves the implementation of procedures for setting tasks, developing and agreeing specifications, conducting research with a consultant, preparing final products (analytical, methodological, consulting, training) and counseling. Based on the study of the theoretical foundations of Western management, it has been established that financial, legal, and investment monitoring is facilitated by the creation of appropriate analytical services and research centers in financial institutions. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the use of flexible organizational management systems will facilitate integration of the investment business-direction into the bank’s structure. Such management systems of the bank’s activities are modular, divisional and other modern forms of their combination. It is noted that the presence in the banking structures of a highly professional team of specialists, in particular, economists, mathematicians, lawyers, programmers, will enable the provision of qualitative and operational investment consulting services. 
investment consulting, consulting services, investment business, development, bank 

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