Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Hrabchuk Iryna Leonidivna

Hrabchuk Iryna Leonidivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of information systems in management and accounting of the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University




Hrabchuk Oleksandr Vasyl'ovych

Suprunova Iryna Valeriyivna


UDC 336.74:327.7:351; JEL F52, F53, G18
Hrabchuk, I. L., Hrabchuk, O. V., & Suprunova, I. V. (2023). Zabezpechennya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky derzhavy cherez udoskonalennya polityky protydiyi finansuvannyu teroryzmu ta zbroynykh konfliktiv [Ensuring the economic security of the state by improving the policy of combating the financing of terrorism and armed conflicts]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 160 (2) (pp. 29-34). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Combating the financing of terrorism and armed conflicts is a top priority in Ukraine to ensure its economic security. The institutional mechanism for the development and implementation of the policy of combating the financing of terrorism and armed conflicts covers a range of entities and the relations between them. In Ukraine, this institutional mechanism is at the stage of its creation and needs to be adjusted under the influence of new threats. The purpose of the article is to determine directions for improving the institutional framework of economic security of the state with regard to combating the financing of terrorism and armed conflicts. The methods of theoretical generalization, systematization, and comparative analysis were used in the process of research. The informational basis of the research includes the works of domestic researchers addressing the indicated problems. The article’s objective analysis of the areas of activity and competencies of the entities involved in the fight against terrorism, including its funding, proves the neglect of new changes and trends in terrorist threats. Taking into account the best European practices, the need to create a separate entity with a special status and powers, which will perform professional analytical and communication functions, as well as monitor threats directly related to terrorist funding, is emphasized. Such an entity can be presented in the form of a special body - the Agency for Combating Digital Threats and Terrorism. The existing Anti-Terrorist Center under the Security Service of Ukraine concentrates its activities and coordinates the work between the entities involved in the fight against terrorism. The proposed agency will monitor information on the Internet and work with the community in order to identify specific signs of terrorist activity, in particular regarding its funding. The use of modern identification and authentication mechanisms for transactions on the Internet will make it possible to identify users and create their digital footprints. With the help of big data analysis mechanisms, the Agency for Combating Digital Threats and Terrorism can create digital profiles of users and use them for predicate analysis that will prevent potentially criminal activities. The proposed direction for the improvement of the institutional mechanism of the policy of combating the financing of terrorism and armed conflicts with the use of new technologies and objects (including in the field of activities on the Internet and processing of cryptocurrency assets), which are produced by modern digital systems, should be implemented taking into account the requirements of international institutions in this sphere. 
economic security, terrorism, terrorist financing, digital threats, cryptocurrency 


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