Karpinskyy Borys AndriyovychDoctor of Economics, Professor, Senior Researcher
Professor of the Department of public administration and business management of the Faculty of Finance Management and Business of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Contacts: borys.karpinskyy@lnu.edu.ua, slf.dep.financial@lnu.edu.ua, karpinsky01@mail.ru
Karpinskyi, B. A. (2008). Indykatory finansovoyi bezpeky v konteksti zbalansovanosti finansovoyi systemy derzhavy [Indicators of financial security in the context of balancing the financial system]. In Naukovyy visnyk NLTU Ukrayiny [Scientific Bulletin of National Forestry University of Ukraine]: Vol. 18.2 (pp. 131-145). [in Ukrainian]. {sep2017.06.029.005}