Kudla Nazar YevhenovychPh.D. of Economics, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of management and commercial activities of the Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism
Contacts: management_liet@ukr.net, kudlan@mail.ru
Kudla, N. Ye. (2016). Aktyvnist’ orhaniv mistsevoho samovryaduvannya u rozvytku turystychnykh posluh sil’s’koyi mistsevosti Karpats’koho rehionu [Activity of local self-government bodies in the development of tourist services in the countryside of the Carpathian region]. In Perspektyvy rozvytku sil’s’koho ta ekolohichnoho turyzmu v Ukrayini [Prospects for the development of rural and ecological tourism in Ukraine] (pp. 152-164). Rivne. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2023.04.025.005}