Matviyishyn Yevhen Hryhorovych
Matviyishyn, Ye. H., & Nyema, O. S. (2009). Zarubizhnyy dosvid nadannya derzhavnoyi pidtrymky rozvytku potentsialu vidstalykh i depresyvnykh terytoriy [Foreign experience in providing state support to the development of the potential of retarded and depressed territories]. In Naukovyy visnyk UkrDLTU [Scientific Bulletin of Ukrainian State Forestry University]: Vol. 3 (pp. 43-50). Lviv. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2017.06.054.001}
Matviyishyn, Ye. H., & Nyema, O. S. (2009). Zarubizhnyy dosvid nadannya derzhavnoyi pidtrymky rozvytku potentsialu vidstalykh i depresyvnykh terytoriy [Foreign experience in providing state support for the development of the potential of backward and depressed areas]. Demokratychne vryaduvannia – Democratic governance, 3, 43-50. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2020.02.025.005}