Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Polyakova Yuliya Volodymyrivna

Polyakova Yuliya Volodymyrivna

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Dean, Associate Professor of the Department of international economic relations of the Faculty of International Economic Relations and Information Technologies of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics; Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of the real sector of regions' economy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Boroda Yevhen Viktorovych

Levada Olena Olehivna

Novosad (Mozhyrovs'ka) Zoryana Horyslavivna

Stepanov Andriy Valeriyovych

Shayda Oksana Yevdokymivna


UDC 339; JEL О30, O32, O34
Polyakova, Yu. V., Shayda, O. Ye., & Stepanov, A. V. (2023). Factors influencing innovative development and inventive activity: experience of eu member countries. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 160 (2) (pp. 22-28). DOI:

Sources: 13

The article is devoted to the analysis of factors influencing innovative development and inventive activity in EU member states. It clarifies the changes in Ukraine’s positions in international rankings including the Global Innovation Index, and the Global Startup Ecosystem Index. The authors havehighlighted the main problems of creating and using inventions in Ukraine and outlined the modern model of commercialization of scientific and technical developments that was formed in the world market. A set of measures applied to increase the level of innovativeness in the European practice is given. To identify the main factors influencing the inventive activity of the EU member states and to assess the nature of such influence, the apparatus of correlation-regression analysis was used. Based on the data of the Statistical Bureau of the European Union for 2009-2021, three regression models of the influence of independent variables on the indicator of the number of patent applications to the European Patent Office (per one million inhabitants) were built. It is substantiated that the priority for Ukraine in the conditions of post-war recovery is taking into account the best standards of European countries, implementing several measures to support scientific and inventive activities, and using intellectual property objects in a practical way. 
innovative activity, inventive activity, objects of intellectual property, inventions, commercialization of objects of intellectual property 

UDC 339+330; JEL О30, F10
Polyakova, Yu., & Shayda, O. (2021). Finansove zabezpechennya tekhnolohichnoho ta innovatsiynoho rozvytku: svitovi ta zahal'noukrayins'ki tendentsiyi [Financial framework of technological and innovative development: global and Ukrainian trends]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 152 (6) (pp. 25-31). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The article addresses the substantiation of the role of the financial framework in the innovative and technological development of the country and the possibilities of exporting high-tech products. Modern manifestations of a new innovative and technological development paradigm are outlined. The article emphasizes that today the high-tech sector is an important factor in the development of the global economy and economic systems of some countries, which is becoming especially important for Ukraine. The analysis of development trends in the export of high-tech products in the world market is carried out. The approaches used by the states to map the strategies of innovative and technological development are proven. The typology of innovative strategies of the global technology market entities depending on the influence of internal and external factors, goals and opportunities is revealed. The importance of the state policy in the process of transition to a high-tech innovative economy is emphasized. Dynamic series of the share of research and development expenditures in GDP for the EU and Ukraine in 2010-2020 are constructed. An econometric model of the dependence of high-tech exports of Ukraine on research and development expenditures is developed. As a result, the positive impact of increasing research and development costs on the growth of high-tech exports is established. The role of the "2030 Strategy for Innovation Development" approved in Ukraine in the development of the national innovation ecosystem is revealed. The project "2050 Strategy for the High-Tech Industry Development" in Ukraine is considered. The main problems of financial denial of innovative and technological development in Ukraine are highlighted. The necessity of finding a model focused on changes in the existing structure of investment, primarily in the direction of funding sources differentiation for research and development, is emphasized. 
technologies, innovations, technological development, innovative economy, high-tech exports 

UDC 330.59:330.4; JEL С15, І31
Polyakova, Yu., & Novosad, Z. (2021). Pobudova matematychnoyi modeli zalezhnosti kupivel'noyi spromozhnosti ta zarobitnoyi platy [Construction of a mathematical model of the dependence between the purchasing power and wages]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 147 (1) (pp. 32-39). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The article highlights the existing theoretical approaches to the definition of the term "purchasing power of the population" and the factors that determine it. The concepts of purchasing power of money, purchasing power of wages, minimum wage, subsistence level are considered. The relationship between purchasing power and inflation rates, consumer price index, stability of the national currency is shown. The modern view of the issue assumes a connection between purchasing power and economic activity, economic capacity, and economic stability. The indicators of purchasing power are determined on the basis of the balance of monetary income and expenditure of the population. On their basis, the demand for goods is formed, which has an impact on trade and production. The differences between nominal and real wages, statistical data on the average nominal wage of a full-time employee of enterprises, institutions, and organizations of Ukraine are considered. The existing theoretical and applied approaches to the realization of quantitative measurement of purchasing power are presented. A linear and quadratic mathematical model is constructed, describing the relationship between the purchasing power of the population of Ukraine and wages, taking into account the indices of perception of corruption and inflation. As a result of the study, a positive dependence of the purchasing power of the population of Ukraine on the average wage in 2011-2020 is revealed. Emphasis is placed on the current regional differentiation of the average wage and its differences in terms of economic activity in Ukraine. The importance of using the proposed approaches in the development of measures to increase the purchasing power of the population and strengthen regional cohesion is justified. Steps to reduce regional disparities and strengthen regional cohesion measures will improve economic activity and economic sustainability, primarily in terms of increasing employment and stimulating business development. 
mathematical model, wages, household income, purchasing power of the population, inflation index, corruption perception index 


Polyakova, Yu. V. (2012). Vplyv chempionatu Yevro-2012 na ekonomiku Ukrayiny [Influence of Euro-2012 championship on the economy of Ukraine]. Ekonomichnyy forum – Economic Forum, 2, 89-92. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.01.010.006}

Ishchuk, S. O, Polyakova, Yu. V., & Protsevyat, O. S. (2021). Struktura ta dynamika ukrayins’koho tovarnoho eksportu: rehional’nyy vymir [Structure and dynamics of Ukrainian commodity exports: regional dimension]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 1. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2021.02.042.029}

Ishchuk, S. O., Polyakova, Yu. V., Protsevyat, O. S. (2021). Struktura ta dynamika ukrayins’koho tovarnoho eksportu: rehional’nyy vymir [Structure and dynamics of Ukrainian merchandise exports: regional dimension]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 1, 20-29. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2022.04.007.008}

Shayda, O. Ye., Polyakova, Yu. V., & Rypska, Ye. Yu. (2022). Perspektyvy rozvytku metalurhiynoyi promyslovosti Ukrayiny u konteksti vidnovlennya ekonomiky [Prospects for the development of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine in the context of economic recovery]. Pidpryyemnytstvo ta innovatsiyi – Entrepreneurship and innovation, 24, 28-33. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2023.01.035.005}

Ishchuk, S. O., Polyakova, Yu. V., & Protsevyat, O. S. (2021). Struktura ta dynamika ukrayins’koho tovarnoho eksportu: rehional’nyy vymir [Structure and dynamics of Ukrainian merchandise exports: a regional dimension]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional Economy, 99(1), 20-28. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2023.03.027.006}

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