Radionov Yuriy DenysovychPh.D. of Economics
Head of the Department for adaptation and implementation of international standards, monitoring and analysis in the field of public financial control of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine
Radionov, Yu. D. (2014). Finansova polityka ta problemy efektyvnostiyiyi realizatsiyi v Ukrayini [Financial policy and problems of effectiveness of its implementation in Ukraine]. In Naukovi pratsi Natsional’noho universytetu kharchovykh tekhnolohiy [Proceedings of the National University of Food Technologies]: Vol. 4(69) (pp. 20-26).[in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.06.051.002}
Radionov, Yu. D. (2023). Napryamy reform i sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku Ukrayiny v period pislyavoyennoho vidnovlennya [Directions of reforms and socio-economic development of Ukraine in post-war recovery period]. Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Economy of Ukraine, 11, 3-26. DOI: myukr.2023.11.003 [in Ukrainian]. {sep2024.03.017.008}