Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Savosh Larysa Viktorivna

Savosh Larysa Viktorivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Head of the Department of international economic relations of the Lutsk National Technical University




Koval's'ka Lyubov Leonidivna


UDC 339.137:339.9(477); JEL Е24, F01, O15
Kovalska, L., & Savosh, L. (2020). Analiz ta otsinyuvannya mizhnarodnoyi konkurentospromozhnosti Ukrayiny v hlobal'nomu ekonomichnomu prostori [Analysis and assessment of Ukraine's international competitiveness in the global economic space]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 144 (4) (pp. 50-57). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

In conditions of economic transformation at all governance levels, the processes related to the implementation of economic entities in the global economic space become intensified, making the issues of maintaining Ukraine’s international competitiveness increasingly relevant. International competitiveness of the country is an important indicator of competitive status in the global economic space that defines the further strategic vector of economic growth. Therefore, the issues of assessing the international competitiveness of Ukraine in the global economic space is of utmost importance. The paper aims to analyze and assess the international competitiveness of Ukraine in the global economic space. The analytical research on the international competitiveness of Ukraine in the global economic space is implemented in the current article. The international competitiveness of Ukraine is analyzed in terms of such indicators as GDP of Ukraine, GDP growth rate, GDP per capita of Ukraine, growth rate (decrease) of Ukraine's industrial production, international consumer price index of Ukraine, change of industrial producers’ prices of Ukraine, Ukraine's unemployment rate, Ukraine's average monthly salary, the level of economic activity among women and men. Moreover, a comprehensive assessment is conducted regarding Ukraine's international competitiveness in the global economic space as well as global competitiveness. The rating of Ukraine's international competitiveness in the global economic space is determined. The paper proves that Ukraine’s international competitiveness positions in the global economic space have deteriorated because of the decline in the functioning efficiency of the domestic financial system, low level of innovative capacity, poor healthcare system, aggravated economic situation. Meanwhile, the changes in the development of goods and jobs markets as well as in the development of institutions are positive, which is confirmed by the improved respective indicators in 2019 compared to 2018. 
competitiveness, international competitiveness, country, gross domestic product, global economic space, consumer prices, unemployment 

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