Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Vozna (Siverska) Lyubov Bohdanivna

Vozna (Siverska) Lyubov Bohdanivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of social security and personnel management of the Faculty of Economics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




Mel'nyk O.V.


UDC 364(477)(075.8); JEL H41, H15, I38
Vozna, L., & Melnyk, O. (2022). Analiz systemy pidhotovky fakhivtsiv sotsial'noyi roboty v Ukrayini [Analysis of the system of social workers education in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 158 (6) (pp. 42-48). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The article discusses the peculiarities of the social worker profession and the main components of the social work education system. The current system of social work education in Ukraine is analyzed, highlighting the shortcomings and problems, such as low wages, insufficient funding for the education system, significant theoretical preparation, but weak practical training. Recommendations are provided to improve the system of social work education in Ukraine, including enhancing educational programs, increasing funding, and creating conditions for the professional development of social workers. The need for reforming the system of social work education is substantiated, which should become the basis for building a new model of the professional role of modern social workers that includes diagnosing different situations, assessing the needs and opportunities of those in need, adapting to changing social rules, and engaging in various activities and interests. The successful formation of a quality social work education system will be facilitated by quality education and practical experience. To ensure high-quality and professional work, social workers must constantly improve their skills, especially the methodological and social ones, as well as those related to applying knowledge in various fields. Enhancing the skills and qualifications of social work and social integration personnel can be achieved through: providing continuous educational and training programs for social work personnel; implementing mentorship programs to enhance skills and qualifications; professional associations and organizations can play a vital role in enhancing the skills and qualifications of social work personnel; self-education. Undoubtedly, the use of various forms of continuing education facilitates adaptation to changes that have taken place, enabling individuals to remain competitive in the job market. The results of the analysis show that improving the system of social work education in Ukraine is an important step towards improving the quality and effectiveness of social work and ensuring quality services for people in need of social support. 
social work, social worker, social sector, social worker training systems, professional role 

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