Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Yatsenko Volodymyr Arkhypovych

Yatsenko Volodymyr Arkhypovych

Ph.D. of Public Administration, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of social and humanitarian sciences of the Academic Institute of Public Service and Management of the Odesa Polytechnic National University




Ostapenko Oleksandr Anatoliyovych


UDC 159.947.5-057.36; JEL O32, M12, M14
Ostapenko, O. A., & Yatsenko, V. A. (2024). Metodychni pidkhody do vyznachennya rivniv motyvatsiyi hromadyan shchodo vstupu na viys'kovu sluzhbu abo prodovzhennya sluzhby v sylakh oborony Ukrayiny v umovakh shyrokomasshtabnoyi viyny [Methodological Approaches to Determining the Levels of Motivation of Citizens to Enlist or Continue Service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Context of a Large-Scale War]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 165 (1) (pp. 16-28). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 20

The article presents the theoretical aspects of the study of the system of motivation of citizens (military personnel) in wartime for their entry and (or) continuation of service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A methodology for assessing the current state of motivation is developed. It allows comparing changes or correlations in the motivational state of citizens subject to mobilization or military personnel in certain periods of time and depending on the age group or region of the country under study. The results of the analysis and assessment of the current state of motivation can serve as a basis for preparing and making managerial decisions to strengthen the motivation of citizens to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The article develops recommendations for further research on the system of motivation of citizens (military) in the context of a large-scale war on their own territory. The methodological approaches provide criteria for assessing the current state of motivation and take into account the weight of motivational factors and motivational clusters - blocks in the overall system of motivational factors in the process of making a decision by a person to mobilize or continue service. The methodology allows comparing the states of motivation, tracking trends, organizing and conducting constant and systematic monitoring and determining what factor(s) contribute to the mobilization of men and women to the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the current stage of the armed struggle; how the motivational system changes over time; what public administration mechanisms should be used to motivate citizens to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine and at what level. Thus, the article presents a holistic system for studying military personnel motivation. The study of the state of motivation is recommended to be made a priority for further study and development in the relevant scientific institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and other research institutions. The authors suggest continuing the development of the methodological apparatus of research focused on the identification of motivational factors and states of motivation, development of methods of conducting sociological research that contribute to the study of motivation and substantiation of ways of action that can maintain these states at an appropriate level, development and improvement of various diagnostic methods and appropriate tools for studying the motivation of military professional activity of servicemen, and organize a systematic measurement of motivation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 
motivation, motivation system, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, motivational factors, institutional motivation, professional motivation 

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