Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2018.06.115

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 330.341.1:35(477); JEL О31
Svyatohor, V. (2018). Suchasni instrumenty udoskonalennya derzhavnoho rehulyuvannya innovatsiynoyi diyal'nosti v Ukrayini [Modern tools for improving state regulation of innovation in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 134 (6) (pp. 115-121). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 11


Svyatohor Vyacheslav Valeriyovych

Applicant of the Department of finance and banking of the Uzhhorod National University




The article focuses on the need for state regulation of innovation, using such modern tools as crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and blockchain technology. The conditions for the implementation of crowdsourcing in the framework of the concept of open innovation are outlined and promising opportunities for its use are identified. The author proves that crowdsourcing is a necessary tool for implementing public-private partnerships, as it allows for systematical ensuring of continuous interaction between all stakeholders of innovation activities, solving tasks of accelerating and cheapening innovation activities, as well as mobilizing, concentrating and developing human resources within the framework of the joint information space, the creation of which is the main task of the state. The use of crowdfunding as a means of attracting capital on a voluntary basis via the Internet to support individual innovation projects is a promising tool for state regulation of innovation, as it allows small innovative enterprises and start-ups to raise funds for projects. In turn, the task of the state is to create an appropriate Internet platform and to support it with the participation of intermediaries and a moderator. That is, it allows to raise capital through network platforms for new innovative projects by attracting contributions from a potentially unlimited number of interested parties. The paper proves that introduction of blockchain technologies provides the openness of information support and development of confidence in the domestic market of innovative products and the state as a whole, In addition, blockchain technologies can help combat corruption in the country, using fundamentally new opportunities for implementing e-government, namely, due to decentralized data storage, electronic voting and electronic document management.


state regulation of innovation, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, blockchain


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