Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2019.03.068

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 334.02:657; JEL L19, L80
Kolisnyk, H. M., & Kolisnyk, B. A. (2019). Osnovni kryteriyi vyboru konsaltynhovykh pidpryyemstv pry nadanni oblikovykh posluh [Main criteria for selection of consulting enterprises affecting accounting services]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 137 (3) (pp. 68-74). DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 7


Kolisnyk Halyna Mykolayivna

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Professor of the Department of accounting and audit of the Uzhhorod National University



Kolisnyk Bohdan Alimovych




The article states that accounting consulting services are one of the most effective tools and means that can help enterprises, institutions, organizations to avoid possible and unnecessary mistakes in accounting and tax accounting at a minimum cost, to avoid unwanted penalties in the event of errors in the management of accounting and tax accounting. In view of this, the characteristics of the accounting consulting services are given, among them: accounting in accordance with the current legislation, timely fulfillment of the client's obligations to the state authorities, representation of the client's interests in the fiscal authorities, preparation and submission of declarations and reports to the fiscal authorities, consultations on the reorganization of accounting, diagnostics of the financial condition of the enterprise, establishment of control mechanisms (development and improvement of the internal control system), development of an enterprise's policy in accordance with the requirements of P (C) BO and IFRS, restoration of accounting and tax accounting, preparation of various forms of reporting, introduction of accounting automation systems. The main advantages of using accounting services are outlined and the main criteria to consider when choosing a consulting company are determined. The stages of rendering accounting consulting services and their features are considered. The paper proves that frequent changes of the legislation, especially in the part of taxation, and the necessity of introducing automated accounting systems at enterprises ensuring the correctness and rationality of the organization of accounting lead to the expediency of appeal of managers or owners of enterprises to the services of consulting companies that provide a wide range of advisory services and practical recommendations on solving specific problems of the enterprise in the field of management and its organizational development.


accounting consulting services, advantages of using accounting consulting services, consulting company criteria, stages of providing accounting consulting services


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