Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Benovska Liliya Yaroslavivna

Benovska Liliya Yaroslavivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher, Scientific Secretary of the unit of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Pavlova Lyubava Orestivna

Storonyans'ka Iryna Zenoviyivna


UDC 332.012.23:336.25; JEL R51, R58
Storonyanska, I., & Benovska, L. (2020). Byudzhetne finansuvannya sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku rehionu: prohramno-tsil'ovyy pidkhid [Budget financing of a region’s social and economic development: program-targeted approach]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 141 (1) (pp. 34-38). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The implementation of national regional policy depends on the extent to which its mechanisms and instruments ensure effective regional development. One of the important tools for solving the problems of social and economic development of the regions is the program approach to planning and management of the regions. However, the situation with funding and implementation of regional target programs in the regions is unsatisfactory. The purpose of the article is to investigate trends and find out the problems of budget financing of social and economic development using the program-targeted approach on the example of Zaporizhzhia region. The following methods were used for the study: historical, abstract and logical, systemic and comparative analysis. In the article, the issues of budget financing of social and economic development using a program-targeted approach are examined. The regional target programs and projects of the State Regional Development Fund for Zaporizhzhia region are analyzed. The following main features, weaknesses and problems of financing are identified: the dominance of the social component of the regional programs and projects of the State Regional Development Fund over the development-related one; duplication of tasks and activities by different programs; inconsistency of regional target programs with the strategic and operational goals of regional development strategies; fragmentation of regional target programs, which significantly complicates their management The directions of improvement of the regional target programs’ funding that correspond to the peculiarities of the current stage of social and economic development of Ukraine are outlined: activation of extrabudgetary financing, control of program measures implementation, elimination of duplication of program measures. 
regional target programs, program-targeted approach, economic growth, tool, budget financing, region, development strategy 

UDC [336.1:352]:[338.45:37]:332.1; JEL H75, R58, H52
Benovska, L. (2019). Pidkhody do otsinyuvannya yakosti zahal'noosvitnikh posluh v umovakh detsentralizatsiyi osvity [Approaches to the assessment of quality of general educational services in the conditions of decentralization of education]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 136 (2) (pp. 36-41). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The selected model of the decentralization of education in Ukraine involves the transfer of authority of management the educational network to local self-government bodies. The main task and result of reforming secondary education is the improvement of the quality of educational services. The purpose of the article is to develop a methodological approach to the assessment of quality of educational services and to identify the problems of their provision by territorial communities. «Quality of educational services» is considered as a complex, multicriteria concept, characterized by the level of knowledge of pupils, the correspondence of educational achievements with educational state standards, the level of material, personnel, informational, financial provision of educational process, innovation of the educational environment. The proposed methodological approach to the assessment of the quality of educational services includes two structural components: evaluation of the results of educational services and assessment of the process of provision educational services. The selected indicators of the quality assessment of educational services of general educational institutions are grouped into the following blocks: the level of pupils’ knowledge; infrastructural, informational, personnel, financial provision of educational process; organizational transformations of the educational network and the use of new forms of studying. The quality of general educational services of the united territorial communities of Lviv region is analyzed and evaluated. The most important problems of low quality of educational services are: poor resource provision of educational institutions in rural areas and low efficiency of its usage; lower level of knowledge of pupils of educational institutions in rural areas; frequent mismatch of hub schools with the requirements set for them. 
general secondary education, quality of educational service, decentralization, territorial communities, assessment, level of knowledge 


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Benovska, L. Ya. (2018). Terytorial’na hromada yak sub’’yekt rehulyuvannya rozvytku terytoriy: teoretychni aspekty [Territorial community as a subject of regulation of territorial development: theoretical aspects]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 1, 30-39. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.06.051.001}

Benovska, L. Ya. (2016). Problemy byudzhetnoho zabezpechennya osvity v konteksti detsentralizaciyi upravlinnya [The problems of budgetary provision of education in the context of decentralizationof management]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 1, 121-129. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.02.036.007}

Storonyanska, I. Z., & Benovska, L. Ya. (2014). Efektyvnist’ vykorystannya finansovykh resursiv mistsevykh byudzhetiv: problemno-oriyentovanyy analiz [Efficiency of use of financial resources of local budgets: problem-oriented analysis]. Ctratehichni priorytety – Strategic priorities 1, 84-90. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2020.01.034.005}

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