Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Bocharova Yuliya Hennadiyivna

Bocharova Yuliya Hennadiyivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade n.a. Mykhaylo Tuhan-Baranovsky




UDC 338.23:338.1+330.1; JEL O00, O32, O38, H54, D80
Bocharova, Yu. (2018). Inkremental'na ta iteratyvna modeli realizatsiyi stratehiyi rozvytku innovatsiynoyi infrastruktury Ukrayiny v umovakh hlobal'noyi konkurentsiyi [Incremental and iterative models of implementation of the strategy for innovational infrastructure development in Ukraine under global competition conditions]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 129 (1) (pp. 138-143). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The article defines that strategic management of innovation infrastructure is a complex process that: consists of two stages (planning of the development of innovation infrastructure and implementation of the strategy of innovation infrastructure development), each of which involves the implementation of 4 of the main management functions (organization, coordination, motivation, control); should take into account the permanent and systematic effects of the external environment, identifying accelerators and destructors, which are logically divided factors, imperatives of the development of innovation infrastructure. The importance and role of implementation of the strategy of innovation infrastructure development as a stage of state strategic management of innovation infrastructure were explained in the article. Iterative and incremental models were determined as basic alternative models of implementation of the strategy of innovative infrastructure development in Ukraine under global competition conditions. The main comparative advantages of the iterative model of implementation of the strategy of Ukraine’s innovation infrastructure development under global competition conditions are: higher level of relevance to environmental requirements; shorter validity period; higher level of inclusiveness of goals, methods, tools, results of innovation infrastructure development and national innovation system, country, emerging global innovation infrastructure; more efficient management of the risks of innovation infrastructure development by reducing the lag «identification of risk – elimination of risk»; faster changes due to amendments in the objectives of the development of innovation infrastructure in the context of global competition; more efficient use of endogenous and exogenous opportunities, accelerators of innovation infrastructure development; managing the architecture and functioning of the innovation infrastructure more efficiently by defining its defects in its early iterations rather than at the end of the strategy; higher probability of implementation of the strategy of innovation infrastructure development by increasing the level of integration and responsibility of all functional units of its provision, etc. 
innovation infrastructure, strategy of development, model of strategy implementation, incremental model, iterative model, globalization 

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