Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Deyneko Lyudmyla Viktorivna

Deyneko Lyudmyla Viktorivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of industrial policy of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of Ukrainian NAS




Deyneko, L. V. (Ed.), Kovalenko, A. O., & Strashynska, L. V. (2004). Stratehiya rozvytku kharchovoyi promyslovosti Ukrayiny ta yiyi rehioniv na period do 2015 roku [Strategy of development of food industry of Ukraine and its regions for the period till 2015]. Kyiv: Council on Studying of Productive Forces of Ukraine of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.06.081.003}

Deyneko, L. V. (Ed.) (2018). Rozvytok promyslovosti dlya zabezpechennya zrostannya ta onovlennya ukrayins’koyi ekonomiky [Industry development for growth and renewal of the Ukrainian economy]: Scientific and analytical report. Kyiv: Institute for economics and forecasting NAS of Ukraine. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.04.051.002}

Deyneko, L. V. (Ed.) (2018). Rozvytok promyslovosti dlya zabezpechennya zrostannya ta onovlennya ukrayins’koyi ekonomiky [Development of industry for growth and renewal of the Ukrainian economy]: Scientific and analytical report. Kyiv: Institute for economics and forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2020.01.045.002}

Deyneko, L. V., Ostashko, T. O., & Tochylin, V. O., et al. (2013). Problemy, napryamy ta chynnyky spryyannya rozvytku vnutrishn’oho rynku Ukrayiny (real’nyy sektor ekonomiky) [Problems, directions and factors contributing to the development of the domestic market of Ukraine (real sector of the economy)]. Kyiv: Institute for economics and forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2020.01.045.003}

Deyneko, L. V. (Ed.) (2018). Rozvytok promyslovosti dlya zabezpechennya zrostannya ta onovlennya ukrayins’koyi ekonomiky [Development of industry for growth and renewal of the Ukrainian economy]: Scientific and analytical report. Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2020.01.052.005}

Deyneko, L. V., & Zavhorodnya, M. Yu. (2012). Rozvytok vnutrishn’oho rynku lehkoyi promyslovosti: problemy ta mozhlyvosti [Development of the internal light industry market: challenges and opportunities]. Ukrayins’kyy sotsium – Ukrainian society, 1(40), 83-98. Retrived from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2020.01.052.006}

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