Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Drebot Nataliya Petrivna

Drebot Nataliya Petrivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of finance, banking and insurance of the Faculty of Finance, Economics and Accounting of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking




Bilyk Ol'ha Ihorivna

Mykolyshyn Marta Mykhaylivna

Semehen (Dzedzyk) Iryna Bohdanivna

Tanchak Yaryna Andriyivna


UDC 334.012.64:338.2; JEL R10, M21
Tanchak, Ya., Drebot, N., & Mykolyshyn, M. (2019). Pidtrymka maloho pidpryyemnytstva yak faktor rozvytku natsional'noyi ekonomiky [Support for small enterprise as a factor of the development of the national economy]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 136 (2) (pp. 73-78). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

The regions’ position in national competitive ability and the rankings of a country in global competitive environment is defined by innovative vector of economy development, the level of economic entities’ innovative activity, availability of fundamental and applied developments, technology transfer and integration of science and production, etc. Therefore, the issues of maintaining the development of innovative entrepreneurship in a region as an important direction of economy’s competitive ability at internal and external markets are the most relevant. The paper aims to develop a methodological approach to evaluation of innovative entrepreneurship development in the regions of a country. A review of existing methodological approaches to the analysis and evaluation of the development of innovation entrepreneurship in the regions of the state is outlined. The author's vision of the methodology of analysis and evaluation of the development of innovation entrepreneurship of the regions of the state is presented. The proposed methodology contains the following structural elements: the choice of the objective, object and tasks of the assessment of the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the region, the choice of methods for assessing the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the region, the choice of directions for assessing the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the region (assessment of the stages of innovation business development in the region, assessment of forms of integration of innovation entrepreneurship, the estimation of entrepreneurial income), the choice of a system of indicators for assessing the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the region, a comprehensive assessment of the level of innovation entrepreneurship in the region. 
small business, business, causes, factors, development, national economy, problems, stages, activities 

UDC 339.7.01; JEL G10, O30, O16
Semehen, I., & Drebot, N. (2018). Mistse i rol' kryptovalyuty u svitoviy ekonomitsi [The place and role of cryptocurrency in the global economy]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 36-39). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

In this article, the authors have made analyse and description of the new, modern form of money, the so-called virtual currency, or cryptocurrency. An accent is made on the fact that the concept of virtual currency and the digital currency should not be equated, since the latter is a digital representation of real money, in the process of circulation, exchange between financial market participants within the real economy, with official legal status. The connection between the legal (or real), virtual and black (or shadow) economies through the prism of the emergence and circulation of cryptography is considered. Discovered, that in the aspect of the analysis of production and circulation of the virtual currency, insignificant attention is paid to the connection of virtual capital with the real, namely, the possibilities of the formation and use of fictitious capital in order to launder «dirty» money. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the virtual currency turnover in the world economy has been carried out. The authors note that the requirements that will reflect the conditions under which virtual money should be rotated in the market should be the first key step of the state, law enforcement agencies and the private sector, to analyze the essence of this phenomenon. The authors argue that in formulating the state policy of controlling the circulation of cryptocurrency in the country, attention should be focused on four main areas. They are: protection of investors (owners of virtual currency), ensuring the integrity of the world market of virtual currency turnover (due to its decentralized nature), counteraction to the emergence of money laundering through the release and circulation of virtual currencies and counteraction to tax evasion by investing in cryptocurrency. In addition, taking into account world experience, in order to establish effective control, productive cooperation between regulators and trading platforms, monitoring of transactions and identification of beneficiaries should be established, in order to avoid anonymity and the facts of money laundering. It was concluded that despite a wide range of advantages and a large number of innovations, in Ukraine, the main problem is the lack of legislative regulation of the cryptocurrency turnover, and therefore needs to be corrected. 
world economy, development of economic science, money, currency, cryptocurrency, money laundering 

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