Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Hadzalo Andriy Yaroslavovych

Hadzalo Andriy Yaroslavovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of environmental management of the Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine




Drebot Oksana Ivanivna


UDC 332.2.332.762; JEL E60, Q28
Hadzalo, A. (2018). Osoblyvosti finansovoho zabezpechennya instytutsional'noho seredovyshcha pryrodokorystuvannya (mizhnarodnyy dosvid) [Features of financial provision of the institutional environment of natural resources (international experience)]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 129 (1) (pp. 121-125). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The current state of institutional provision of natural resources in Ukraine and neighboring states is analyzed. The peculiarities of financial regulation of environmental protection activity are investigated and the main stimulating and destructive factors of its development in Ukraine are revealed. The instruments of economic regulation of the use of natural resources and the protection of the environment in the institutional space of the state are proposed.Institutional provision plays a major role in the use of nature, since it is the regulatory and controlling mechanism for its balanced development. In each country, the constitution lists the institutions of various spheres of natural resources and environmental protection. Foreign experience, in particular the EU member states, shows the importance of this issue in many areas of activity, creating an entire institutional structure (institutions and institutions) in the field of nature use and nature conservation, where each member (country) undertakes to meet the requirements and ensure the development of a rational environmental management and environmental protection. At the heart of the priority of environmental policy, commonly recognized for all EU countries, is the prevention of environmental pollution by environmental prudence and prudence. Monitoring of the state of the environment, accounting of emissions, control of financial flows, environmental costs, environmental taxes, compliance with EU environmental legislation – is a regular algorithm for fulfilling the mandatory institutional conditions for sustainable cooperation between participating countries. In Ukraine, however, the institutional environment of environmental activities within its borders and at the interstate level is still developing. 
ecological institutes, international institutions, non-governmental organizations, institutional environment, financing, investments 

UDC 330.837:[339.92:502]
Drebot, O., & Hadzalo, A. (2017). Vdoskonalennya metodolohichno-instytutsional'nykh pidkhodiv do transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva z pytan' pryrodokorystuvannya [Improvement of methodological-institutional approaches to cross border cooperation on issues of nature management]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 128 (6) (pp. 67-71). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The analysis of the institutional methodology of cross-border cooperation is carried out. The essence of the institutional approach to the analysis of the issues of the environment of social and economic systems, determination of mechanisms of institutional management of their development is substantiated. 
institutional approach, methodology of institutionalism, institutional structures, institutional factors of nature management 


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