Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Konishcheva Nataliya Yosypivna

Konishcheva Nataliya Yosypivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Vice-Rector on Economic and Humanitarian Disciplines of the International Research Center for Tourism Development Problems of the Donetsk Institute of Tourist Business


Blyznyuk, A. M., Konishcheva, N. Y., & Davydenko, L. I. (2006). Rozmezhuvannya povnovazhen’ tsentral’noho ta mistsevykh orhaniv vykonavchoyi vlady u sferi turyzmu [The division of powers of the central and local executive authorities in the field of tourism]. Visnyk DITB. Seriya: Ekonomika, orhanizatsiya ta upravlinnya pidpryyemstvamy turystychnoyi industriyi ta turystychnoyi haluzi v tsilomu – Bulletin DITB. Series: Economy, organization and management of enterprises of the tourism industry and the tourism industry as a whole, 10, 87-93. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.03.054.001}

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