Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Maksymchuk Maksym Vitaliyovych

Maksymchuk Maksym Vitaliyovych

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher

Leading Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (032)270-7089



Storonyans'ka Iryna Zenoviyivna


UDC 334.722:332.1:330.837; JEL O20, R58
Maksymchuk, M. (2018). Instrumenty pidtrymky biznesu v rehioni: problemy formuvannya ta perspektyvy instytutsializatsiyi [Tools of the business support in the region: the problems of formation and the prospects for institutionalization]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 132 (4) (pp. 33-38). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The paper researches the peculiarities of forming and functioning of business support instruments in a region in conditions of authorities’ decentralization. The research aims to analyze the specifics of application of business support instruments in Ukrainian regions and to reveal the problems and challenges of entrepreneurship sector transformation in this framework. The scheme of classification of the business support instruments is suggested and four basic groups of instruments are defined, in particular: administrative and legal, financial and economic, informational and consulting, social and cultural. Major indicators of entrepreneurship sector development at the level of Ukrainian regions are analyzed. Analysis of methodical approaches to evaluation of regions and their rankings by the entrepreneurship development indicators is conducted. In particular, the paper researches the adapted methodology of World Bank that stipulates the evaluation of the ease of doing business (entrepreneurship activity) across the five directions of cooperation of entrepreneurs with local authorities. The most important directions of organizational and economic development that reduce the problems of institutionalization of business support instruments at regional level are outlined,in particular: introduction of new and substitution of existing organizational and management forms of activity of business support structures; preserving and renewal of staff and management potential; investment attraction and stimulation of economic activity of entrepreneurship sector; introduction of the new forms of funding and assistance to business at the level of communities; promotion of communities’ role in maintenance of entrepreneurship sector functioning in the regions; improvement of information provision and communication between the authorities and business. Efficient institutionalization of the instruments of business support and development in a region should take place on the basis of mesoeconomic approach to the development of the new forms of doing business, which requires further research in terms of substantiation of conceptual provisions of the development of region’s territories through stimulation of entrepreneurship activity of community’s residents and forming of creative local clusters. 
business, entertainment, economic tools, support of business, institutionalization, region, Ukraine 

UDC 332.8:332.4(477);JELR21,R31
Maksymchuk, M. (2018). Konkurentna polityka yak faktor stymulyuvannya rynku pervynnoho zhytlovoho fondu v rehionakh [Competitive policy as the factor of stimulation of primary housing fund market in the regions]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 131 (3) (pp. 43-48). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The paper researches the peculiarities of the processes of regulation and stimulation of primary housing markets in Ukrainian regions. Definition of regional housing markets and competitive policy in the sphere of primary residential housing markets regulation are outlined. The major indicators of primary housing markets functioning in Ukrainian regions in the context of problem-oriented approach are analyzed. The ways to use the instruments of competitive policy in order to improve the efficiency of functioning of primary residential housing markets in the regions mainly due to reduction of their monopolization on the basis of introducing of fair and regulated competition are defined. The research aims to analyze the processes of stimulation of primary residential housing markets in the regions of Ukraine and to define the ways to implement competitive policy as the instrument to improve the efficiency of such stimulation. In general the markets of residential housing are to be understood as the aggregate of national and regional housing markets (primary and secondary markets of residential funds) formed in a country in the course of its economic development. Dynamic basis of residential housing markets forms the primary market of residential fund, because here the residential real estate created by the relevant structures and put up for sale for the first time is realized. Competitive policy in the sphere of stimulation of primary housing markets is the aggregate of goals (forming of competitive relations, demonopolization, housing affordability) and means to achieve them – organizational-economic and financial-credit mechanisms, including mortgage. Spontaneous growth of housing development, substantial fluctuations of investment activity in the regions in the sphere of housing development, significant regional and temporal differentiation of prices at housing market stipulated by not only the factors of demand and supply, but also, according to experts, by such negative phenomena as monopolization and unfair competition, requires forming and undertaking of the complex of activities on implementation of housing markets development competitive policy both at national and regional levels. 
competitive policy, housing, housing fund, primary housing market, stimulation, factor, market, region, Ukraine 

UDC 332.8:005.332.4(477); JEL R21, R31
Maksymchuk, M. (2018). Instytutsializatsiya rehional'nykh rynkiv zhytla v Ukrayini [Institutionalization of regional housing markets in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 129 (1) (pp. 58-63). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The paper researches the peculiarities of the processes of housing markets institutionalization in Ukrainian regions. The scheme of classification of housing markets’ sectoral structure by various criteria is outlined. Major stages of residential real estate markets development in Ukrainian regions in the context of forming of their institutional structures are analyzed, organizational-regulative, budget-financial and sociocultural problems of regional housing markets institutionalization in the country are emphasized and perspectives of their solution on the basis of forming of efficient institutional environment for housing market functioning at regional level are shown. The research aims to analyze the specifics of housing markets institutionalization in Ukrainian regions and to outline the problems and challenges of housing markets institutionalization in conditions of decentralization on this basis, as well as to provide suggestions to overcome them, including on the basis of improvement of institutional environment for functioning of housing markets in the country’s regions. Institutionalization of regional housing markets is the process of organic consolidation of economic actors operating at the markets in economic relations, their economic activity, collective and individual behaviour, certain institutes – rules, regulations and understandings on organization and conducting of market activity, increase of the frequency of these institutes’ application in economic practice and forming of consolidated institutes on this basis. In fact, institutionalization is the organization of institutions as institutes consolidated in the practice of regional housing markets activity. Institutionalization makes possible an efficient functioning of regional housing markets in a country. Under its influence, the market of residential real estate is settled as the powerful independent segment of regions’ economy. The following main problems are peculiar to institutionalization processes: frequent changes of «institutional field» of housing markets functioning at national level as well as significant differences between institutional regulators in various regions of a country; insufficient level of investment in market infrastructure of housing construction sphere and disproportions in regional perspective; poor level of budget and financial maintenance of forming of institutional structures supporting the development of housing markets in the regions of a country; lack of information maintenance of housing markets functioning in different regions of a country and low level of public society institutions’ impact in the sphere of construction business. Efficient institutionalization of housing markets in Ukraine will lead to more predictable and coordinated behaviour of market actors, because the system of institutions that will be formed as the result of these processes will provide order and subordination of the whole market relations system in the sphere of housing and construction economy. 
residential real estate, regional housing markets, construction, institutionalization, market, region 


Lutskiv, O. M., & Maksymchuk, M. V. (2014). Instytutsiyne seredovyshche rehional’noyi strukturnoyi polityky [The institutional environment of regional structural policy]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 3, 37-47. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.01.033.006}

Maksymchuk, M. V. (2016). Instytualizatsiya rozvytku ekonomiky rehioniv Ukrayiny: teoriya i praktyka [Institutialization of development of the regions’ economy of Ukraine: theory and practice]. Lviv: Institute of Regional Research of the NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.04.033.005}

Maksymchuk, M. V. (2016). Instytualizaciya rozvytku ekonomiky regioniv Ukrainy: teoriya i praktyka [Institutialization of development of the regions’ economy of Ukraine: theory and practice]. Lviv. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.03.043.006}

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