Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Maslii Nataliya Dmytrivna

Maslii Nataliya Dmytrivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of finance, banking and insurance of the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University




UDC 338.47:[338.46:004]:338.124.4; JEL С22, L96, O12
Maslii, N. (2018). Bifurkatsiyna model' rozvytku sfery zvyazku ta informatyzatsiyi pid vplyvom kryzovykh yavyshch [Bifurcation model of communication and informatics development under the influence of crisis phenomena]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 134 (6) (pp. 132-138). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

In the article, the methodical principles and practical methods concerning the application of the basic provisions of synergetics for the study of systems’ self-organization are explored. The expediency of forming a bifurcation model for simulating changes in the processes of the life of the systems, in particular, for the enterprises of the sphere of communication and information, is outlined. The laws of the evolution of the sphere of communication and information of Ukraine are traced and the nature of the evolutionary movement is established. On this basis, three critical periods (bifurcation points), during which the most significant recessions occurred in the investigated sphere, are defined. The factors that determined bifurcation disturbances and positive structural changes in the field of communication and informatization are determined. The main institutional problems that contribute to the development of communication and informatization in critical periods (bifurcation points) are systematized. They include: international, economic, political, social and technological. They have different content at different points of bifurcation. A number of internal problems of the sphere of communication and informatization essentially influencing the activity of enterprises are generalized, including the emergence of organizational and technological problems of network operation; low management efficiency; uneven supply of consumers with telecommunication services; problems with access to emergency services for the population at temporarily uncontrolled territories; lack of systematic and coordinated action in design, construction, reconstruction, modernization; mass and systematic damage by the intruders of subscriber lines; unresolved issues regarding network neutrality when providing access to the Internet. The analysis of bifurcation points at the enterprise level is carried out and the causes of the largest crisis periods of the enterprises under study in terms of the dynamics of incomes are determined. Measures to increase the entropy and exit of communication and informatization from the next point of bifurcation, namely the creation of information security management system and improvement of mechanisms and means of information protection in the information and communication infrastructure, are presented. 
bifurcation, model, enterprises, sphere of communication and informatization, problems, crisis phenomena 

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