Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Mulska Olha Petrivna

Mulska Olha Petrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (096)877-3213



Bachyns'ka Mariya Volodymyrivna

Makhonyuk Oleksandr Volodymyrovych


UDC 331.5:331.55; JEL J21, J23, J40, J69, C30
Mulska, O. (2019). Balansuvannya rynku pratsi v umovakh pidvyshchenoyi mihratsiynoyi aktyvnosti naselennya [Balancing the labour market in conditions of growing migration activity of the population]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 135 (1) (pp. 59-65). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

The article deals with the labour market model in conditions of high migration activity of the population in Ukraine on the basis of the method of system dynamics. The author suggests a hypothesis that labour migration is determined by the level of wages in the donor country, the level of employment and unemployment, the number of current jobs and vacancies. The assumption is grounded on the basis of the obtained results of the multifactor economic-mathematical model. The article proves that statistics on the labour market in Ukraine are not complete and reliable, and experts' opinions about the necessary conditions for balancing aggregate demand and supply vary. Given the low competitiveness of the domestic economy, the low level of wages, unemployment, shadow employment and the general impoverishment of Ukrainians, an open European labour market creates new incentives and conditions for job search abroad - conditions for outflow of workers from Ukraine. In addition, the crisis socio-economic situation, the increase in the number of refugees from Ukraine as a result of the annexation of the Crimea and military actions in the East of Ukraine create a high probability of an explosion of migration in our country. The author's analysis of the functioning of the national labour market in recent years gives grounds for asserting its ineffectiveness, namely: reduction of the level of economic activity and the level of employment of the population, increase of unemployment, imbalance between demand for labour and its offer, decrease of the load of registered unemployed on one free workplace, due to high rates of labour migration, lower real wages. The article argues that the urgent problems concerning the migration of the population of Ukraine are to increase the economic activity of the population; preventing the growth of unemployment, limiting the scope of labour under the pressure of the financial and economic crisis; ensuring the correspondence between the supply and demand of the workforce. The solution of this problem requires the formation of a well-balanced state policy taking into account the regional specificity of the trends of labour migration, including increasing the competitiveness of the labour force, ensuring a high level of employment, social protection, wages and incomes, and their approach to similar parameters of economically developed countries of the world. Thus, the solution of issues related to the migration of the population is a prerequisite for the implementation of an effective public employment policy. 
economically active population, labour market, level of balancing, labour market imbalance, vacant demand, current supply, migration activity 

UDC 330:314.7:338.46:35.078(477); JEL J15, J18, J44, J62
Makhonyuk, O. V., & Mulska, O. P. (2018). Analiz diyal'nosti sub’yektiv rynku mihratsiynykh posluh v Ukrayini [Analysis of activities of the migration services market entities in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 133 (5) (pp. 128-133). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

The role and place of migration services market entities in the system of institutional environment of the migration regulation are defined. Activities of the main participants of this market (the State Migration Service, Centers of Administrative Services (CASs), the State Enterprise «Document», foreign embassies, consular offices and visa application offices) are analyzed. It is emphasized that basic tasks of the State Migration Service concern work with foreigners and stateless persons, who appealed for protection in Ukraine; registration of residence and documentary accompaniment for individuals; issuance of foreign passports of the citizen of Ukraine. The necessity of optimization of their resource provision and popularization of activities is grounded. The authors emphasize that one of the most substantial problems related to organization of the activities of CASs, as essential subjects of the market of migration services, are the absence of minimum acceptable criteria for equipping the facilities, staff imbalance, insufficient content of their web pages and often invalid online registration of citizens. The apper proves that quality and amount of provided services in every center depend on volitional decisions and financial resources of local councils, which have created them. The authors note that regional CASs have the widest spectrum of services and the highest level of service. They render administrative services on non-commercial principles. In the article, the authors revealed the growing dynamics of foreign passports issuance for the period of 2015-ІІІ q. – 2018 showing a distinct shift to the biometric documents since December 2016. The necessity of setting up new visa application offices with wide range of authorities on rendering visa services for the purpose of minimization of services in visa centers is emphasized. Visa center is considered as a non-state intermediary organization, which is an official representative of an embassy responsible for acceptance and processing of documents necessary for obtaining the visa. VFS Global is the operator of visa centers in Ukraine. On the basis of the research, the authors propose the formation of unified information search base for collecting clear, complete and reliable data on providing the full range of migration services. 
market of migration services, entities of the market of migration services, State Migration Service, embassies, CASs, institutional environment, migration services 


Mulska, O. P., & Popadynets, N. M. (2014). Osoblyvosti rozvytku derzhavnoho pidpryiemnytstva: na osnovi stratehichnoho planuvannya [Peculiarities of public entrepreneurship development based on strategic planning]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho period Ukrainy – Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine, 3 (107), 116-126. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.02.082.001}

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