Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Puhachevska Kateryna Serhiyivna

Puhachevska Kateryna Serhiyivna


Melnyk, T. M. & Puhachevska, K. S. (2013). Otsinyuvannya vplyvu importu na promizhne i kintseve spozhyvannya v Ukrayini [Estimation of the Impact of Import on Intermediate and Final Consumption in Ukraine]. Aktual’ni problemy ekonomiky – Actual Problems of Economics, 11, 62-70. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.05.020.006}

Puhachevska, K. S. (2016). Importozalezhnist’ vnutrishn’oho rynku Ukrayiny [Import dependence of the domestic market of Ukraine]. Zovnishnya torhivlya: ekonomika, finansy, pravo – Foreign trade: economics, finance, law, 5, 27-39. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.05.020.005}

Melnyk, T. M., & Puhachevska, K. S. (2015). Perspektyvy importozamishchennya v Ukrayini [Prospects for import substitution in Ukraine]. Visnyk Kyyivs’koho natsional’noho torhovel’no-ekonomichnoho universytetu – Herald of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2, 16-32. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.05.020.004}

Melnyk, T. M., & Puhachevska, K. S. (2016). Importozalezhnist’ ekonomiky Ukrayiny i priorytety selektyvnoho importozamishchennya [Import dependence of Ukrainian economy and priorities of selective import substitution], Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Economy of Ukraine, 4, 29-44. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.05.020.003}

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