Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Samotiy Nataliya Stepanivna

Samotiy Nataliya Stepanivna

Senior Lecturer of the Department of economics and marketing of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Advanced Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University




Lysyak Natalya Mykhaylivna

Oleksyuk Hanna Vasylivna


UDC [338.45:622.35](477); JEL E23, L71, Q40
Oleksyuk, H., & Samotiy, N. (2019). Tendentsiyi ta problemy rozvytku vuhil'noyi promyslovosti Ukrayiny (na prykladi derzhavnoho pidpryyemstva «L'vivvuhillya») [Trends and problems of coal industry development in Ukraine (on the example of state enterprise «Lvivvuhillya»)]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 135 (1) (pp. 3-9). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The article deals with the general tendencies and problems of the development of the Ukrainian coal industry in recent years. The main reasons for the problems and reduction of coal production in Ukraine due to the corresponding exhaustion of stocks as a result of long-term exploitation of coal mining enterprises are outlined. In addition, the unsatisfactory condition of the main equipment of the mines and its high level of deterioration and low rates of restoration of fixed assets are determined. The pace of investment and innovation processes in the coal industry of Ukraine today does not correspond to real needs and opportunities for increasing of coal production. The reformation and restructuring of coalmining enterprises is far behind the planned state program measures, including privatization processes, attracting private investment, improving approaches to management, closing unprofitable loss-making mines and building new prospective mines. The article highlights prospective directions of increasing coal mining, both operating mines and the possibility of building new explored reserves of energy and coking coal, in particular, in the Lviv-Volyn coal basin. The main reasons for the unprofitability of coal enterprises, untimely payment of wages to miners, problems of investment and innovation development of the coal industry are outlined. The complexity of the processes of voluntary association of communities in coal regions in the framework of the decentralization reform consists in the presence of environmental problems and the future closure of coal mining enterprises, negatively affecting the overall economic potential of the future united territorial communities. The paper proves that the strategic development of the united territorial communities in the areas of coal deposits (on the example of the Lviv region) is closely connected to the presence of coal mining enterprises there and the construction of new mines there. Strategic directions of innovative development of Ukraine's coal industry, the principles of reform and restructuring of the coal enterprises are defined. 
coal industry, coal products, coal enterprises, financial and economic status of coal enterprises, investment and innovation development 

UDC 332.122.64; JEL O18, R10, R58
Lysiak, N., & Samotiy, N. (2018). Ekonomiko-mistobudivni vidnosyny u rozvytku mist: Istorychnyy kontekst [Economic and city-build relations in the development of the city. Historical context]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 132 (4) (pp. 150-156). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The paper defines the economic-urban planning relations in the development of cities in the historical context, in particular: the genesis of economic sphere of global civilization’s societies is defined and the directions of economic views of various historic periods are characterized; the impact of economic factors on conditions of location and spatial organization of a city in various historical periods is revealed and the links between economic and spatial factors in the city development are determined. The historical-logical method was used for the research. Economic-urban planning relations of the cities of Ancient World, Middle Ages and other periods are analyzed, in particular: the system of methods, instruments and forms of state impact on socio-economic processes in cities, masterful use of space specifics and its organization in cities. The set of methods and instruments oriented at solution of tasks of cities’ spatial and socio-economic development is outlined. The features of economic policy and peculiarities of approaches to organization of cities’ economies in various historical periods as well as the contribution of various civilizations into the cities’ economic structure and space organization are emphasized. The paper proves that polis socio-political organization of Greek cities turned out to be more flexible in solution of economic issues than socio-political organization of centralized Eastern despotisms. Compared to the primitive society, the ancient nations took a huge step forward in their developemtn, however the destructive military policy and the «flaws» of forced labour caused the collapse of the states. The Middle Ages developed the elements of economic policy that served as foundation for further economic development of European cities, although the forms and nature of their manifestation differed depending on economic, natural and cultural traditions of the cities’ development areas. In the period of market economy, the relations between capital and labour showed the spatial structure of the cities, the functioning-planning infrastructure and socio-economic relations, etc were formed and the condition of environment and architecture was determined. The paper confirms the dependence between socio-economic processes and spatial feature of cities. On one hand, cities’ development depends on economic foundations – forms and sources of capital, system of pricing, fiscal policy and state’s participation in economic processes, and on the other hand – localization, natural conditions and distance define the spatial differences of cities and processes in them. Availability of systemic effects in terms of harmonization of socio-economic and territorial dimensions is proven. 
city economies, history of economy, economic theory, urban planning policy, economic-town-building relations 

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