Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Suhina Olena Mykolayivna

Suhina Olena Mykolayivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher of the Department of economic problems of environmental policy and sustainable development of the Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of NAS of Ukraine




UDC 330.15:658:553:336.225:502/504; JEL Q56, Q57, С13
Suhina, O. (2018). Stratehichni priorytety modernizatsiyi ekonomichnykh mekhanizmiv nadrokorystuvannya ta ekolohizatsiyi hirnychodobuvnoho vyrobnytstva [Strategic priorities of modernization of economic mechanisms of subsoil use and mining production ecologization]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 131 (3) (pp. 78-87). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

The economic mechanism of subsoil use, which is based on a fee-based basis, is imperfect. The rent for the use of mineral resources for the extraction of minerals must perform distributive, regulatory and stimulating functions, but they are not performed due to the scientific and economic groundlessness of the rates established by the state for this rent, and mining-geological conditions are not taken into account. In fact, the rent does not correspond to the essence of the rent and is only fiscal. Also, in Ukraine there was a disincentive nature protection order of taxation. The purpose of scientific research is to determine the ways of optimizing economic mechanisms of subsoil use and ecologization of mining production. The author's model of the modernized economic mechanism of subsoil use has been developed on the basis of its strategic priorities: economic (value) estimates of mineral resources, including the improvement of the methodology for their evaluation, and the extraction and fair distribution of mining rent, including: the development of a mining rendering methodology that is adequate to economic realities and market conditions, the development of an economic mechanism for distributing mining rent between the owner of the interior – the Ukrainian people and sub-users. An author's methodology for determining the amount of rent payments for the use of mineral resources for the extraction of minerals has been developed. The author proposes to introduce a payment system based on the principle of rent income (it is necessary to deduct the excess profits – the difference between the profits received by the subsoil user and the average profit in the industry or sub-sector in the extractive industry). Such a technique will ensure the differentiation of the corresponding payments and the fairly established amount of rent deduction in the budgets. The application of the methodology for determining the amount of differentiated rent payments for the use of mineral resources for the extraction of minerals will preserve the function of rent as an economic tool for regulating mining relations in the field of subsoil use. The necessity of taking into account risks in the discount rate is established in the course of the analysis of the economic feasibility of investment projects in the field of subsoil use, which is carried out by the method of discounting cash flows. The model of optimized economic mechanism of ecologization of mining production is developed. The article discusses the necessity of introducing incentive instruments of the economic nature protection mechanism, including environmental rent payment (innovations of the author), and others. Concrete proposals for institutional reform of the existing economic mechanism of ecologization of mining production have been suggested. Priority measures of ecologization of mining industry have been established, and its economic mechanism has been improved. It has been determined that in order to stimulate the introduction of the best available technologies, the most effective tool for managing ecological processes in mining is the seizure and fair distribution of environmental rent. The regulation of environmental rent payment (the innovation of the author) should not affect the welfare of the population, since it will be appointed from profit. The substantiation of the strategic priorities of modernizing economic mechanisms of subsoil use and ecologization of mining is a scientific novelty of research. 
stimulating economic mechanism, sphere of the subsoil use, ecologization of mining production, differential mining rent, ecological rent, damage from pollution of an environment 

UDC 330.15:338.14:504.05
Suhina, O. (2017). Metodolohiya vyznachennya korelyatsiynykh koefitsiyentiv asymilyatsiynykh vlastyvostey ekosystem dlya otsinyuvannya zbytkiv vid zabrudnen' [Methodology of determination of the correlation coefficients of assimilative properties of ecosystems for the estimation of damage from pollution]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 128 (6) (pp. 83-90). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

For the first time in the world practice, concrete formalized methodological approaches to determination the accounts of the correlation coefficients of accounting for the assimilative properties of ecosystems for differentiation of the values of compensation for economic damage from environmental pollution (as a component of the author’s Classification of assimilative services of ecosystems, complemented by assimilation coefficients for various ecosystems in Ukraine) are developed. The determination of the amounts of the coefficients of ecosystem assimilation and corrective coefficients for them is formalized, that is novelty of research. 
methodology, correlation coefficients, assimilative properties of ecosystems, differentiation of the amounts of compensation for economic damage from pollution of nature, corrective coefficients 


Suhina, O. M. (2018). Metodolohichnyy pidkhid do vyznachennya rozmiru dyferentsial’noyi hirnychoyi renty [Methodological approach to determining the size of differential mining rents]. Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Economy of Ukraine, 3, 89-103. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.03.078.016}

Suhina, O. M., Lobasov, O. P., & Zhyshko, M. I. (2013). Rozvytok metodolohichnykh pidkhodiv do ekonomichnoyi otsinky mineral’no-syrovynnykh resursiv [Development of methodological approaches to the economic evaluation of mineral resources]. Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Economy of Ukraine, 2, 67-80. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.03.078.015}

Suhina, E. N. (2016). Economized classification of assimilative services of ecosystems as the instrument of their monetization in the development CICES. In From Baltic to Black Sea: National Models of Economic Systems: Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference 2016, March 25, Riga: Part I (pp. 226-231). Riga: Baltija Publishing. {sep2017.06.083.007}

Suhina, O. M. (2018). Ekosystemnyy pidkhid do vartisnoyi otsinky zbytkiv vid zabrudnennya navkolyshn’oho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha [Ecosystem approach to valuation of damage from environmental pollution]. Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Economy of Ukraine, 1, 54-70. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2017.06.083.008}

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