Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Voloshyn Volodymyr Ivanovych

Voloshyn Volodymyr Ivanovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Director of the Regional Branch of the National Institute for Strategic Studies in Lviv




Shekhlovych Andriana Mykhaylivna


UDC 339.9+338.2; JEL Н56
Voloshyn, V. (2018). Instrumenty minimizatsiyi hibrydnykh zahroz ekonomichniy bezpetsi Ukrayiny [Instruments for minimizing hybrid threats of Ukraine’s economic security]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 129 (1) (pp. 17-21). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The formation of models for the establishment of the system for ensuring economic security of the state is influenced by a combination of factors, among which, in particular, the geopolitical position of the country in the world and the region, the level of development of the national economy and productive forces, existing property relations and the efficiency of market mechanisms, natural resource, technical and innovative potential of the state, etc. The processes of financial-economic and informational globalization, manifestations of aggression by the leaders of the countries in terms of military, political, and economic potential have led to the formation and strengthening of the destructive effects of hybrid threats, which have critically worsened the dynamics of socio-economic development, aggravated macroeconomic imbalances and worsened short- and medium-term prospects for economic growth. The purpose of the article is to develop functional and structural tools for strengthening the state’s economic security in the face of hybrid threats. The article examines the state of economic security of Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to the factor of hybrid aggression, which has led to deterioration of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of economic security of Ukraine, in particular, reduction of volumes of industrial production and agroindustrial complex, devaluation of the national currency, increase of inflation rates and decrease of purchasing power of the population, deterioration of cooperative relations between the subjects of the internal market from the east and other territories of the state, complication of the financial condition of enterprises and investment attractiveness of territories, growing internal migration and deterioration of the labor market situation. The analysis of factors of strengthening of hybrid threats of economic security in the conditions of external military aggression is carried out, which are connected with the lack of effective structural reforms and institutional changes in the economy, other disadvantages of the state policy of ensuring the economic security of Ukraine, as well as the external military aggression in the Donbass, which led to increased political and economic instability, rising budget expenditures for army servicing, inflationary processes and macroeconomic crisis phenomena, aggravation of problems in the financial system of the state. The tools for minimizing hybrid threats to Ukraine’s economic security in the retail and consumer services sectors are grounded in order to address the problem of excessive import dependence and the problem of reducing the purchasing power of the population, removing imbalances in the development of the sectors of the real economy, removing economic obstacles and critical factors destabilizing the development of the domestic labor market, and, in particular, counteracting the smuggling of goods both at the uncontrolled territories of Donetsk and Lugansk and from there, to overcome the negative tendencies towards the deactivation of entrepreneurial activity. 
economic security of the state, hybrid threats, hybrid war, external aggression, tools 

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