The article provides a comparative analysis of the socio-economic progress of the regions of Ukraine and the country as a whole in achieving the goals of the 2030 Sustainable Development Program in relation to reducing the inequality of income distribution among the population. The indicators of inequality of income distribution among the population are considered. Ensuring the availability of social services for households in the regions of Ukraine are analyzed. The the policy of remuneration based on equality and equity across the series of indicators is assessed. Comparison of the income concentration ratio (Gini coefficient) and the average monthly salary in Ukraine and EU member states is done. The share of wages in GDP is another important indicator of income differentiation. In the world, there is a trend towards the reduction of this rate: from 57% in 2000 to 55% in 2015. The same trend is typical for Ukraine, although the absolute value of the indicator is considerably inferior to the rest of the countries. Since 2012, this indicator has decreased from 50.3% to 36.6% as of 2016. Given the low overall wages as a result of low levels of labor productivity, technological backwardness of the country's economy, lack of prospects for proper employment, Ukraine is today one of the largest donor countries in the world. In addition, the trend of outflow of young and highly skilled personnel from year to year only increases. Prevalence of non-economic factors influencing the formation of strategic guidelines for ensuring sustainable development of the country (sharp devaluation of the national currency, unreasonable tariffs for gas, electricity, etc.) has a significant impact on further imbalance of the existing economic system in Ukraine and undermines the population's confidence in possible positive changes. In this year's draft Law on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2019 (from 15.09.2018), the amount of hourly wage is set at UAH 25.13 for 2019, which is more than 6 times less than its lowest level in the EU countries. At the same time, the economic development of the country and its regions should be accompanied by an increase in social standards, a level and quality of life of the population, while ensuring equal opportunities for its access to economic resources and basic services. This is a priority task of the state in solving the problem of reducing inequality and regulating the migration flows.
sustainable development, income differentiation, reduction of inequality, household incomes, availability of services in the social sphere
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