Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Zhyvko Maksym Andriyovych

Zhyvko Maksym Andriyovych

Applicant of the Department of international economics of the Ternopil National Economic University




UDC 339.9;930.85;JEL
Zhyvko, M. (2018). Hlobal'ni mekhanizmy novoyi ekonomiky ta yikh adaptatsiya dlya Ukrayiny [Global mechanisms of the new economy and their adaptation for Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 131 (3) (pp. 134-139). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The paper researches major problem aspects of transformation of management instruments and mechanisms’ theoretical foundations in conditions of new economy development. Global tendencies and problems of current stage of new economy forming in the context of European civilization and integration processes are examined. The experience of developed countries is analyzed and major instruments in the process of new economy forming are outlined. Main strategic technological trends that influence structural transformational processes in global economy and provide the forming of high capacity of country’s competitive ability in case of insufficient ICT infrastructure development are emphasized. Concentration of major approaches to understanding of digital strategy oriented at creation of correct conditions for efficient ICT exploitation in order to strengthen social integration in conditions of new economy is explained. New economy rate is calculated for the EU countries. Suggestions over forming of institutional environment, development of contract instruments and mechanisms to improve the efficiency of public regulation and stimulation of economy investment development are provided. Theoretical model of electronic state in conditions of new economy that is bound to secure the improvement of Ukraine’s competitive ability at global market is suggested. The fact that with the view to overcome the problems of «digital inequality» it is necessary to expand special educational programs developed for persons that have never worked with a computer before is proven. In Ukraine it concerns the pensioners, social services’ employees, partially public and municipal officials, residents of remote regions, children from children’s homes, unemployed. It is particularly relevant for the developing countries that aspire to join global informational community. The place of IT-market in Ukraine deserves a special attention as the strategic branch of domestic economy, which can contribute to achievement of relevant competitiveness parameters and overcoming of digital gap between Ukraine and developed countries. Major vectors of investment attraction into the IT development and perspective programs in the branch specialized at software production are suggested in order to improve the quality and science-intensity of educational processes for mass preparation of specialists required by modern science and new economy. 
new economy, civilization, global mechanisms, innovative development, digital strategy, science-intensity 

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