Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.01.082

UDC 332.1:330.341.4:316.422(438); JEL O20, O38
Prokopiuk, A. (2017). Prohramni instrumenty strukturnoyi modernizatsiyi ekonomiky rehionu: dosvid Skhidnoyi Pol'shchi [Program instruments of regional economy structural modernization: the Eastern Poland experience]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 83(1), 82-89. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 17


Prokopiuk Aleksander

Doctor of Economics

Rector of the Bialystok School of Economics (Poland)




The fact that regional structural policy is one of the decisive factors of overcoming the existing structural disproportions and maintenance of sustainable economic growth is emphasized. Considering the efficiency of structural processes in Polish economy, the article aims to examine the mechanisms of regional structural policy implementation at the meso-level in order to develop recommendations for Ukraine in terms of implementation of the best examples of Polish experience in this sphere.
Special attention is paid to the fact that program instruments directed at the development of entire macro-regions are in the basis of regional structural policy implementation in Poland. The programs of Eastern Poland development are successful examples of this approach application, in particular the special operational program «Development of Eastern Poland» elaborated for 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. The major objective of the Program is to accelerate the paces of Eastern Poland socio-economic development on the basis of sustainable and well-planned development through active investment into major economic powers. The Program is directed at implementation of the following tasks in the second period: promotion of research in the sphere of technological innovations; competitive ability strengthening of small and medium enterprises, agrarian sector and fishing and aquaculture; maintenance of transition to low-carbon economy in all spheres of economy; promotion of transport and infrastructure sustainable development.
Conducted research showed that the implementation of the Program had contributed to the growth of competitive ability level in the Eastern Poland during recent years, even comparing with the EU indicators. At the same time, European Funds and not the Polish government remained to be the major donor of regional Policy development in Poland, in particular ERDF and Cohession Fund. This testifies to the EU interest in establishment of economic life at the Eastern EU surroundings and creation of powerful infrastructural basis there (transport, engineering, innovation, information), which can become some sort of economic border maintaining EU economic security.


structural transformation of economy, region, regional structural policy, structural modernization instruments, program


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